Where is Samoa on the Map

So where' Samoa on the map?

Please enter your location to get step-by-step instructions and a map. Weather in Samoa Mountain Samoa Meteorological Map below shows the next 10 day forcast. Use the slider under the map to navigate the animations. Choose from the other forecasting charts (right) to see large-screen animated images of temperatures, clouds, wind and rainfall for this area.

The latest meteorological, thermal, weather data and reports from current meteorological monitoring systems can also be found under "Live Weather". Print: Wind: Gage: See Samoa Statistical Meteorological Charts with winds, rainfall, temperature and clouds.

South Pacific Islands, Samoa Map

The independent Samoa - or Western Samoa as it was known until 1997 - is located in the centre of Polynesia between Tahiti and Fiji. Samoa is located a hundred kilometres to the eastern side. Apolima and the smaller populated Manono Island also appear on our Samoa map. Samoa's capitol, Apia, is a relaxed South Sea city with shops, trade centers, shops, hotels as well as port market.

Both Samoa and American Samoa have powerful ancient civilisations that go back 3,000 years. Most Samoans live in open houses with the thatch roofs known as "Fale". There are many towns on their shores where you can spend the night in humble comforts, observing Samoan families.

The Samoan tattoos are a good idea. Some even decide to go with a Samoan inkjet. In Samoa, Polynesian Airlines, Polynesian Blue and Air New Zealand take travellers from most parts of the South Pacific.

Map & Tour Regulations

At the top is the tour map, click on the boxes below for the itineraries. No pause between (1) and (2) at level 2. Late in the mountain ascent footage, until the end of the last half of leg 1 is the first part. Early departure at 5.30 am to have enough ferry access at the end of the first leg.

There is a brief drink stop at the 20.10km stage 2. This is a welcome easement after two strenuous working nights at the top of the town Aopo. WARNING!!!! Race date. We' re taking the 10:00 ferry. So after the morning we bike 10KMS from Amoa Resort to the ferry.

Afterwards 30KMS from the Upolu Fährterminal to the victory greeting at the city clock. That'?s the Victory peloton. The whole race is over. The Tour Hall of Honour will only accept drivers who pass the Tour - each leg without support - and will receive a Tour Life-time number.

Obligatory for participation on the 6th day of the winning trip to finish the tour. This may not be a racing stage. If a protest is raised, it must be submitted immediately at the end of the stage. One of the tour's panels will come together to listen to all sides and make a choice.

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