Gardner Pinnacles

Gardener battlements

Gardner Pinnacles are two barren rocks surrounded by a reef and located in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The two volcanic rocks between the French frigate shoals and the Maro Reef are visible and the sailors know that they have reached the Gardner Pinnacles. Both rocks that make up the Gardner Pinnacles are the westernmost of the Hawaiian islands. Gardener Pinnacles (Hav. P?

h?honu) - two uninhabited islands, surrounded by coral reefs, belong to the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Gardner Pinnacles latitude in Honolulu County, Hawaii along with maps, comments, photos and links.

Gardener battlements

The most infertile and difficult to disembark on the HAWAIAN range are probably the Gardner Pinnacles, 588 leagues to the north-west of Honolulu and 108 leagues north-west of the nearby frigate Shoal. These peaks are positioned north 25° 01', 167° 59' west.

They were uncovered on June 2, 1820 by the US wildcatcher Maro von Nantucket under the leadership of Captain Joseph Allen. Captain Allen apparently did not land on the Gardner Pinnacles, as he significantly exaggerated the extent of the archipelago and reported that it was a full 900 foot long and had two large cliffs at its southwestern point.

1857 Captain John Paty Gardner paid a visit to the Manuokawai, a research ship in Hawaii. According to him, the isle is 607 leagues to the northeast of Honolulu and is "only two almost impenetrable cliffs, 200 ft high, which extend about a furthest 6 km to the northeast and southeast. There' s a bench about 15 or 20 leagues to the SW.

Soil seemed to be clad with free-standing cliffs, with sand in between; I had 17 threads of sea 10 leagues southward of the island," he says. "In the mid nineteenth and eighteenth centuries, a number of other ships saw the peaks and reported on them with the likes of Man-of-War Rock, Pollard Rock and Pollard Isl.

Gardner also has several different notations, but the United States Board of Geographic Names has ruled that Gardner Pinnacles is formal. Locations for the isle were assigned by Captain Stanikowitch and Lieutenant Brooke, U.S. Navy. This latter is described as an unapproachable 170 foot high cliff, with a 600 foot long basis and a smaller cliff near its southwestern end, from which a half-miles long cliff protrudes.

It states that the bench has 17 to 20 threads of sea and extends from the isle on all sides, west about 5 nautical mile, and south-west more than 8 mile. Capt. F.D. Walker paid Gardner a visit at the Kaalokai on June 9, 1891. "In the afternoon we saw Gardner Insel, and at 2.30 a.m. the time had come.

"The Gardner Insel is just a 100 meter high cliff, thickly overgrown with bird life. In the west there are a few freestanding cliffs about 70ft high. "Professor Harold S. Palmer of the University of Hawaii at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 35, 1927, described the geography and topology of the Isle.

Gardner says: "Gardner is made up of two isles that appear from the western or eastern sides as a unique islet, bordered by smaller summits to the south and the North. This smaller, northerly summit is part of the smaller islet, about 50 metres westwards of the northerly end of the bigger islet. There is a small, rugged cliff a few metres above sealevel in the canal between the two isles.

Although it was necessary to go to the smaller isle, it was possible to go directly from the windsurfing vessel to the bigger isle, one or two men who jumped on shore every single day when the sea came in and before it was repelled..." It continues to describe in detail the geological formations of the isle.

Gardner's rock was fine-grained, deep-coloured, except for weather-beaten tufface. Dr. Palmer proposes that Gardner Pinnacles are the remnants of an isle that used to be much bigger, perhaps between Kahoolawe and Lanai, with an area of about 80 sq m. The remnants of an old isle.

It was cut away by winds, rains and swell until only the volcano dome's tough centre is left. It is currently encircled by benches of submarines about 5 mile to the north and south and 10 to 12 mile to the northeast.

The large ovals have an area of about 125 sqm. This diagram and the above section are derived from Dr. Palmer's observational work on the islands by Dr. Ball. Gardner Pinnacles' precipitous hillsides are vegetation-free, with the exception of small Portulaca bags and seaweed on the lower, marshland.

And they also said that they saw dust mites, centipede, spider and isopod between the rocks, but unfortunately did not have any. The three conic summits, two on one basis and one on the other, are officially estimated at 90, 100 and 170 ft, with a 90 to 170 ft throughflow.

However, sea maps indicate the max altitude as 190 ft. It became an "integral part of the United States" on 7 July 1898 and a part of the Hawaii Bird Sanctuary on 3 February 1909. It is formally part of the territory of Hawaii and the town and county of Honolulu, which, with Pearl and Hermes Reef to the west and Palmyra to the South, are making Honolulu the biggest town in the atlantic.

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