Rarotonga Time Difference to nz

time difference between Rarotonga and nz

On-line time difference calculator between Auckland New Zealand and the Rarotonga Cook Islands. Longing retreat dates are in New Zealand. To learn more, read our article about the best time to buy airline tickets. Concerning the best time for a visit, we can assure you that there is no bad time. Besides, I really loved my time on Rarotonga.

Difference in time between New Zealand and Rarotonga

In order to arrange a telephone call or a best time for both sides to meet, you should spend time in New Zealand between 9:00 and 15:00. This will end between 11:00 and 17:00 in Rarotonga. So if you are in New Zealand and you want to call a Rarotonga buddy, you can try to call him between 5:00 and 21:00.

That will be between 7:00 and 23:00 of their time, as Rarotonga is 22hrs behind New Zealand. When you are always available, but want to contact someone in Rarotonga at work, you can try between 7:00 and 15:00 of your time. It is the best time to get there from 9.00 - 17.00 during work time.

Entering an airport, city, state, country or postcode allows you to determine the time difference between any two places. This computer adjusts itself automaticaly to DST. Use it as a meeting/scheduling tool to find the best time to make and receive your global call.

WTZs have a positve or negatively offsets calculated from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It has unified seconds specified by the International Atomic Time (TAI), with the announcement of leap seconds at erratic distances to counteract the slowdown in the Earth's orbit. Use the tz data base or zone info data base to find the nearest town and not the most frequent eastern, central, mountainous or Pacific time zone in the United States.

Cities often modify their DST regulations, so please help us keep up to date by telling us if you can find pages that need updating.


While Air New Zealand, Jetstar and Virgin Australia operate from Wellington to Rarotonga, none have a local airfare. Flying time varies according to the length of stay and can be between 6 and 24h. The Wellington Airport has a unique airport with a large selection of stores and cafés that can be visited by travellers while they are waiting.

The Skyscanner Guidebook to Wellington Airport. The airport Rarotonga is relatively small and the way from the airplane to the exit is quite straight. The Skyscanner Guidebook to Rarotonga Airport. Aroa and Muri are the seaside towns where most travelers to Rarotonga live. You can also rent a vehicle at Rarotonga airport.

It is 22 hrs behind Wellington in winters and 23 hrs behind in summers. Rarotonga is by far the warm place that makes up a large part of its allure. Rarotonga is often exposed to strong rain during the New Zealand summertime. Are you expecting to be paid - Many articles in Rarotonga are less pricey than in Wellington, but because of its insulated position, you may find that some specialties like cheeses are more pricey.

Skyscanner offers you great value for money on your Wellington Rarotonga flight today - use the box above to find the lowest fares and special offers.

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