Easter Island Activities

Activities on Easter Island

Discover sports & activities on Easter Island with our insider guide. Easter Island Explora - Activities. Activities on Easter Island, tickets and tours. Excursions, Tours & Travels in Magic Easter Island, Chile. A walk to the caves and a day off for optional activities.

Osterinsel Pencil Holder for Easter Island Things to do

Give your kid a little atmosphere with these bizarre Easter Island pencils. Partial arts projects, partial historical lessons, this will let your fourth-grader play around with color while she makes herself a part of the heritage of Easter Island. Have your baby wrapping the darker building material around the can.

Stick the bay stripe of tape around the can and cover the entire surface of the can. Let your kid paint a square on the box about the same length as his building stationery. Next, make a large delta on the box that is about half the length of your square.

Have your baby carve the square and delta out of the box. Use it to help her slice the top of the square into a light bend - this will be the curved front head of the sculpture. Wrinkle the polygon lengthways to form the sculpture's nostril. Add grey colour to your tray. Let your baby immerse the pad in colour.

You can help her pat the grey colour softly onto the two sheets of paste. REMEMBER them not to fully coat the carton. A mix of grey colour and card creates the weather-beaten look of the Easter Island head. Put the paperboard aside to allow it to cure. Have your baby mark the shady, deep eyes and mouths of the sculptures with a mousepad.

Stick the square carton surface onto the can with the heat adhesive pistol. Let your baby collect her pens and marker and throw them into her new Easter Island cradle.

isle of Easter

Magic and mystical Easter Island has many rides to offer. The island can be visited and enjoyed from the enchanting charms of the archeological places to the beautiful sandy beach by hiring a vehicle, horse back rides or simply strolling around with a glass of sun cream and suntan.

On of the most icons and one-of-a-kind trips is getting to know the amazing Moais that can be seen in Zeremonial Mhu. Easter Island has about 300 ceremony venues, some of the most renowned being AhuTongariki, Akivi, NauNau and others. RanoRaraku's large stone pit with over 400 burial moais is another place that should be seen on the island.

It seems that this mystical place was somehow froze in those days, as if the work had been left at that moment, which is part of one of Rapa Nui's mysteries. This is a path that allows you to ascend the vulcano and ends in the ceremonious town of Orongo. On the way up you can admire magnificent vistas of the island, as well as specimens of local wildlife such as Turomiros and Gnooho and other imported varieties such as gum, gucum and luccum.

Exploring the shores of the island of Rapa Nui on foot is another activities that needs to be done. Here you can not only rest and relax, but also sail, dive and fish. You can' t miss a show with folk dancing and folk songs in Rapid Nui. Horseriding is another of the activities that take place on the island, where there are even some non-stable animals.

The journey lets you see the traces of Rafa Nui from a different point of view and see the horses' liberty. These trips will take you to Maunga Terevaka volcanic craters, the highest point on the island, 580 metres above sealevel. Now that Easter Island is open in February, you can join the Tapati Rape Nui tradition of sports competitions, the choice of the Queen of Rape Nui, tastings and handicrafts, dancing, music and more.

As this is one of the most appealing activities on the island, we suggest you book your flight and accommodations upfront.

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