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Rurutu, the" bubbling rock" in Polynesia, is the northernmost of the islands, shielded from the rage of the sea by a small cay. It is the most genuine Polynesian isle. It has a geologic formation unparalleled in Polynesia, there is no Laguna and it is bounded by rocks that contain a number of caverns cut by volcanic activity and adorned by astonishing sea and stalagmite formations.

There is a great diversity of scenery in Rurutu, which has been drowning under the luxuriant bush. The 2,104 residents of the archipelago organise various culture activities several days a year in the towns of Moerai, Avera and Auti. Mamas on the Isle specialize in the hand-made production of caps, peues from panda nut fibers, and the craft of making eye-catching coloured pattwebb.

Rurutu allows these amazing animals to be observed from July to October hatching in the clear water surrounding the isle.

High-contrast old and young volcanic activity on Rurutu Island, Australian Range

New geochemistry datasets (main and microelements as well as Sr, Nd and Pb isotope compositions) for the Rurutu Island in Polynesia are presented. There are two ages of rocks: 13-10.8 Ma old basalt from the flag now operating under Macdonald Mount and 1.8-1.1 Ma old volcanoes formed during a recent one.

There are clear variations in chemistry between the two lava generation. Commonly found in the old lava but not in the young lava, and uncommon microelement fractions (Ce/Pb, Zr/Hf and Ti/Eu) are limited to the young one. The results are used in a mathematical formula in which the quaternary lava results from the interactions between the magma of an emerging young feather and the ocean iceland.

Lithospheric contamination is believed to be a residue of the first episodic Vulcan. The contamination has similar to the first vulcanic events, but very high concentration of micronutrients with significant adverse Ti and Pb abnormalities. It poses issues about the use of isotope and microelement information from islets situated upstream of another flag to gain an understanding of the general structure and origins of the flag volcano well.

The presence of extremely high isotope compounds (HIMU, EM I and EM II) in the cladding sequences of marine basalt islands is not questioned, however.

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