Stewart Island News

Newsworthy Stewart Island

For this page there is no information why Stewart Island Events. When it happens on Stewart Island, find out here! New at Stewart Island - News from Stewart Island

Deputy Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Carmel Sepuloni, meets with Stewart Island residents to approve one million dollars in government funds for the Rakiura Heritage Centre build. Proponents continue to be optimistic that the island will soon have the highest accredited by the International Dark Sky Association. Use our New Zealand News Services for all news from all over New Zealand.

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This is the first news flash! It will still be here, so no old photos/posts will be missing, but Jess will be working on the new site and of course I can't upgrade from Scotland and the printouts for the bulletin boards haven't been made for years! On these pages you will find current information about Stewart Island!


New Zealand's untouched scrub on the island is secluded and untouched - but the landfill had enough venom to potentially exterminate several hundred cattle. But Isaac was a former operative in 1080. Isaac - who didn't want to use his last name - was supposed to put the 1080 in lure sacks and then stick them in a tree.

Because when the 1080 falls to the floor, it kills everything it feeds on - even our local kiwis. But despite the orders they were given, Isaac says he was helping his leader throw the venom into a mire. When he quit the position, he chose to take the floor after he felt culpable when he saw a photograph of a corpse of kiwis found on the island.

He was accused of dying in 1080. Folks are gonna want to know what actually happened," he said to Newshub. as in 1080 kills." Newshub to Stewart Island - and Rakiura National Park. There Isaac says that three 25kg sacks with 1080 kg were deposited - two full sacks, one with some in them.

"Isaac said to Newshub, "It's been thrown in the lake, so it's sink-- This year, the 1080 was laid in the so-called "Rakeahua Block" in the marsh for five month. Situated near the Rakeahua River estuary, only 30 meters from a road - and the body of the kiwifruit was found about 10 kilometers away in Doughboy Bay.

"Isaac says, "You can't just let them get away with it. Toxin in the outback - big issues around 1080. The Newshub.

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