New Millennium 2000

The New Millennium 2000

World welcomes the new millennium. First 2000 years end with the year 2000 and the next thousand years begin with 2001, the first year of the third millennium. As 1 A.D. was his second year, 1999 is the year 2000.

As the new millennium approached, people waited for the year 2000, with the exception of the few who insist that the new millennium begin in 2001. He is an expert in black magic who invents a new deadly virus.

New Millennium Celebrated

Some of the first humans to see the beginning of the new age were Pacific Islanders - among the last were the Americans. It was a truly unparalleled overall experiential world, which will never again be experienced by a modern-day being. It was shaped by all confessions and all professions and beliefs of the world' s population.

Over two million poeple seamed the shores of the Thames to see dramatic pyrotechnics, and although the rescue teams were busy to the last seat, no serious disruptions were announced. Five tons of pyrotechnics were fired in four-minute intervals at Edinburgh's biggest ever celebration of the town.

Has the Millennium started in 2000 or 2001?

The new millennium began on 1 January 2000 - one year too early. 1999 prepared the worid for the New Year of their lives. This year in the Bregorian calender was shortly before the year 2000 and should not only be the 21. c. but also the 3. year.

At the end of the year 1 whole year would have gone by 0 since the beginning of the year; 2 years would have gone by at the end of year 1; and so on..... That means that 2000 years, two full thousands of years, would have elapsed at the end of 1999.

To put it another way, the third millennium would have begun on New Year's Day 2000. Indeed, neither the number zero nor the idea of nothing did exist in Europe in the sixth millennium, when a friar called Dionysius Exiguus came up with the year number system (calendar age) that we use today.

Consequently, at the end of year 1 a whole year had gone by; at the end of year 2 2 years had gone by; and so on..... At the end of 1999, when the new millennium was celebrated, it was only in 1999 that full years had elapsed since the beginning of the calendrical period - one year less than two full millenniums.

Naturally, the great turmoil around the year 2000, or Y2K, was comprehensible from a psychologically point of view. 2. So when we celebrated the beginning of the year 2000 as the occasion of our lives, together we fell under the charm of the big, round year - a classical case of round numbering.

Anyone who celebrates the beginning of the new millennium at the right moment must also expect that this was nothing astronomically so. Solarkalendersystems, such as the westerly calendars, are conceived in such a way that they reproduce this period of the year and the season as accurately as possible, with different degrees of sophistication.

If you look at other calendaring schemes, it becomes clear how equivocal the dates are. The year 2001, for example, only in the Bregorian calender, was the beginning of the third millennium. Others, such as the Hebrew and Hindu Calenders, use totally different dates.

So while the Grigorian Calender is the official system used worldwide, this shows that our year is nothing more than a coincidental production, which is finally built on the idea and passion of a sixth cent. Dionysius Exiguus justified the beginning of the year 1 A.D. in the Julian calender, the forerunner of today's calender system, with a sacred experience - the Nativity of Jesus - which not only has no astronomic significance, but is also founded on the basis of literary traditions and thus at best a rudimentary assessment.

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