Gvb Guam

Cvb Guam

It has become an important tourist destination, an industry that generates most of the island's non-governmental revenue. Global campaign launched on Guam by GVB x Beautiful Destinations. Member of the board of GVB. Though the Guam Ko'ko' Half Marathon is a cheerful event, it also supports a very serious cause. It is a detailed, data-based look at the use of GVB funds.

News, pictures and contacts from Guam Media

Promoting and developing Guam as a secure and rewarding tourist location for Guam residents, and maximizing the benefit for the Guam population. Guam's tourist growth was first recognised by municipal authorities in 1952 with the adoption of Public Code 67. It introduced a scheme to create a tourist trade in Guam.

It was adopted by the First Guam Legislature and the then Governor Carlton Skinner sign. Only in 1962, when President John F. Kennedy removed the safety restrictions, did Guam's tourist industry come nearer to realisation. The Guam Government founded the Guam Tourist Commission within the Ministry of Commerce in 1963 by decree 63-10 enacted by the then Governor Manuel F.L. Guerrero.

The Guam Tourist Commission immediately started aggressively promoting travellers in Japan and Southeast Asia with an original $15,000 underwriting. The Commission has also been working hard to develop the Guam tourist map and to improve connections to Guam from prospective markets. Four years later, on 1 May 1967, Pan American World Airways arrived in Guam with 109 people.

During this first year, Guam registered 6,000 visitors. The Guam Tourist Commission was re-named the Guam Visitors Bureau in July 1970. The Bureau was officially formed as a non-profit organization separate from the Ministry of Commerce, with 80% of the operating funds financed by the federal administration and 20% from member fees and benefits in kind.

The Guam Visitors Bureau Act (17-32) was adopted in 1983, transforming the Bureau into a non-profit member society. 17-65 was adopted in 1984, creating the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF). 20-205 and a research department was set up within the office.

This division is in charge of collecting, analysing and evaluating information on the visitors industries. In addition, the division acts as an industrial sector resource for the distribution of information. Because of the fact that more than 50% of Guam's GDP is generated by the tourist sector, it is regarded as the major factor in Guam's overall population.

The Bureau, the government of Guam's government's formal advertising and promotion office, is committed to promoting and developing Guam as a vibrant travel destinations abroad. In addition, programmes and actions also help the length and breadth of the population' s knowledge of the importance of this area.

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