Fiji Belongs to which Country

To which country does Fiji belong

To which continent do New Zealand and Australia belong? The EU's development cooperation with Fiji. THE REGIONS TO WHICH THE COUNTRY BELONGS. Iiji is much more than white beaches, palm trees and spectacular underwater landscapes. Fiji belongs to the Austronesian language family.

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In Fiji ( () FEE-jee; Fijian:. Fiji Hindi: ?????), formally the Republic of Fiji[12] (Fiji: Matanitu Tugalala om Viti;[13]Fiji Hindi: ???? ???????),[14] is an archipelagic state in Oceania in the South Pacific about 1,100 sea-mile (.000 km) northwest of the northern isle of New Zealand. The nearest neighbors are Vanuatu in the western part, New Caledonia in the southwestern part, New Zealand's Kermadec Islands in the southeastern part, Tonga in the eastern part, the Samoas and France's Wallis and Futuna in the northeastern part and Tuvalu in the northern part.

Most of Fiji's archipelago was created by igneous activities that began some 150 million years ago. There are still geothermic activities on the Vanua Levu and Taveuni islets. 18 ] Fiji has been populated since the second millenium B.C. and was first populated by Austronesians and later by Melanesians, with some Polynesians at first.

The Europeans began visiting Fiji in the seventeenth century[19] and after a short time as an autonomous empire, the British founded the Fiji settlement in 1874. It was a crown settlement until 1970, when it achieved autonomy as the ruler of Fiji. In 1987, after a succession of coup d'état, a democracy was proclaimed.

Fiji's principal isle is known as Viti Levu, hence the name "Fiji", although the British pronounciation is similar to that of the island's neighbors in Tonga. Potterry from Fiji's cities shows that Fiji was populated before or around 3500 to 1000 BC by Austronese people, followed by the Melanesians about a thousand years later, although the issue of Pacific immigration still persists.

The Lapita or Polynesian ancestry are thought to have inhabited the island first, but little is known about what became of them after the Melanesians came; they may have had some impact on the new civilization, and archeological proof s show that they then migrated to Samoa, Tonga and even Hawaii.

The Fiji archipelago's trading between Fiji and the neighboring archipelago is witnessed long before Europe came into being by the indigenous Fiji tree canoe found in Tonga and Tonga, which belong to the Lau archipelago's lingua franca. Fiji saucepans were found in Samoa and even in the Marquesas Isles.

The Tu'i Tonga empire was founded in Tonga in the tenth quarter, and Fiji came under its repercussion. Tongan influences led to Fiji in Polish traditions and languages. In 1774 James Cook, the English sailor, paid a visit to one of the South Lau-Island. Only in 1789 were the isles mapped and mapped when William Bligh, master of the HMS Bounty, crossed Ovalau and set sail between the major isles of Viti Levu and Vanua Levu on the way to Batavia, now Indonesia.

The Bligh Water, the isthmus between the two major isles, is called after him, and for a while the Fiji was known as the Bligh Isle. In Fiji, life and working standards were poorer than those of the later forced laborers in India. By 1875, the senior physician in Fiji, Sir William MacGregor, led a 540 per 1000 workers a year.

At the end of the three-year treaty, the regime ordered the masters to return the workers to their towns, but most of the ship's skippers set them down on the first islet they had seen off Fiji's water. At Cakobau' s behest, John Bates Thurston turned to the UK authorities with these important questions in the back of his minds and made another bid to relinquish the isles.

Benjamin Disraeli's new Tory administration promoted the imperium's growth and was therefore much more appealing to the annexation of Fiji than before. Bishop John Coleridge Patteson of the Melanesi Missión in Nukapu on the reef islands was assassinated by widespread indignation, aggravated by the carnage on the Carl Bridge.

In Fiji, two UK inspectors have been sent to examine the possibilities of annexing. Cakobau made a last bid on 21 March 1874, which the English solicited. Sir Hercules Robinson, soon to be named Governor of Fiji, arrives at HMS Dido on 23 September and receives Cakobau with a 210-kick.

It was formally ceded on 10 October 1874, when Cakobau, Ma'afu and some of the Fiji Chiefs Sr. undersigned two transcripts of the deed of cessation. So the colony of Fiji was established; 96 years of English domination followed. It envisaged taking the Indians to Fiji under a five-year agreement to allow them to go back to India at their own cost; if they decided to extend the agreement for a second five-year period, they would have the opportunity to go back to India or stay in Fiji at the government's cost.

In Fiji, the Queensland Act, which governs employment contracts in Queensland, has also been enshrined in legislation. From 1879 to 1916 ten thousand Indians migrated to Fiji to work, especially on sugar cane estates. 42 vessels made 87 trips and brought workers to Fiji.

In all, 60,965 travellers disembarked from India, but only 60,553 (including birth at sea) reached Fiji. On 3 May 1892, the Fijian Indians began their patriation when the British peer took 464 patriotic Indians to Calcutta. During 1955 and 1956, three vessels transported workers from Fiji to Sydney, from where they departed for Bombay.

In order to return to India, workers had to be over 12 years old on arriving, have served at least five years and had to have been living in Fiji for a full ten years in a row. An infant that has been borne in Fiji could take his or her parent or legal guardian back to India when he or she is under twelve years of age. 2.

Because of the high costs of return at their own expenses, most of the migrants who returned to India fled Fiji about ten to twelve years after their return. In fact, slightly more than twelve years went by between the journey of the first Indian vessel that brought Indians to Fiji (the Leonidas, 1879) and the first Indian vessel that brought Indians back (the British Peer, 1892).

In view of the constant flow of vessels that carried Indians to Fiji until 1916, the repatriate Indians usually embarked on the same vessels on their comeback. Overall, the number of Fiji Intture system returnees is 39,261, while the number of people arriving is estimated at 60,553.

Since the number of babies in Fiji is included in the restitution, many of the contractually bound Indians never came back to India. Instead, provisions were made for Sydney to Bombay services, the first of which took off in July 1955. A remarkable event happened in September 1917, when Count Felix von Luckner landed on the island of Wakaya off the east shore of Viti Levu after his hunter SMS Sea Eagle ran aground on the Cook Islands after the Papeete fire on the Tahitian area.

September 21, the county policeman brought a number of Fijians to Wakaya and von Luckner without realising that they were unconsciously and unarmedly capitulated. He graduated from Oxford Law School and in 1921 came back to Fiji as a country's first military veteran and alumna.

During the following years Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna, as he was later called, became the most influential chieftain in Fiji and created embryo institutes for what would later become the contemporary Filipino people. Until the Second World War the United Kingdom had its policies of not recruiting locals, vice versa, and many thousand Fijians voluntarily signed up for the Fiji Infantry Regiment, which was under the leadership of Ratu Sir Edward Cakobau, another great-grandson of Seru Epenisa Cakobau.

Fiji was chosen as the site of the Allies' headquarters because of its strategic position. The Fijians earned a fame for their courage in the Solomon Islands election campaigns, with a military reporter calling their ambushing tactic "death with kid gloves". However, the British made it clear that they were committed to bringing Fiji to self-government and ultimately becoming independent.

The current talks between Mara and Sidiq Koya, who in 1969 took over the lead of the National Federation Party, mainly Indian-Fijian, on Patel's demise, resulted in a second constituent meeting in London in April 1970, at which the Fiji Legislative Council reached agreement with the Commonwealth on a settlement and a schedule for autonomy as a fully supreme and autonomous state.

The 52-strong house would allocate 22 Fijian and Indo-Fijian indigenous places each, 12 of which would be local electoral districts, with constituents in purely ethnical contexts, and a further 10 statewide electoral districts, to which the members were assigned by ethnical affiliation but voted for by popular vote. Another 8 places were reserved for "general voters" - Europeans, Chinese, Banaban islanders and other minority groups; 3 of them were "communal" and 5 "national".

" Fiji became an autonomous country with this trade-off on 10 October 1970. In 1997, Rabuka founded the Constitutional Review Commission, which drafted a new charter with the support of most tribal Fiji and Indian-Fiji community leaders. In 1997, a new charter was passed. It was reintegrated into the Commonwealth of Nations. He was already under pressure from his already tight relations with the regime due to his attacks on the law, which lasted from May to June and July.

The Bainimarama gave a set of requests to Qarase after a bill was presented to Congress, some of which would have been granted a pardon to the 2000 attempted putsch. The Fiji Court of Appeal decided in April 2009 that the 2006 putsch was inadmissible. That was the beginning of the 2009 Fiji constitution dispute.

In Fiji there is a surface area of about 194,000 km2, of which about 10% is inland. It is the centre of the South West Pacific, halfway between Vanuatu and Tonga. 180° is crossing Taveuni, but the International Date Line is curved to give the entire Fiji group a single UTC+12 period.

The Fiji Group is located between 15 42 and 20 02 southern Fiji, with the exceptions of Rotuma. There are 332 [3] Isles (106 of which are inhabited) and 522 smaller isles. Its two main isles, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, make up about three fourths of the country's area.

It is a hilly area, with summits up to 1,324 meters high and dense rainforests. Further archipelagos and archipelagos are Taveuni and Kadavu (the third and forth largest), the Mamanuca group (before Nadi) and the Yasawa group, which are favourite travel destination, the Lomaiviti group before Suva and the secluded Lau group.

The city of Fiji, about 270 sea-mile ( "Rotuma") 500 km northern of the island, has a particular state. Fiji's policy normally takes place within the context of a representational Fijian democracy, in which the Prime Minister of Fiji is the Prime Minister and the President is the Prime Minister, as well as a multi-party system.

It is the administration of the law by the Fijian authorities, the legislation by the Fijian authorities and parliaments, and the judicial system is not dependent on the authorities or the legislation. The High Court of Appeal annulled the High Court's ruling on 9 April 2009 that Cdre. "On 10 April 2009, President Iloilo postponed the constitution of Fiji, sacked the Court of Appeal and, in his own words, appointed him "head of state of Fiji under a new jurisdiction".

"You' ll accept that this is the best way for our dear Fiji," he said. Fiji was the first country ever to be excluded from the Pacific Islands Forum on 2 May 2009 because it did not organise democracy voting at the date foreseen.

98 ] The PER had been introduced in April 2009, when the earlier Constitutional Treaty was repealed. The Council also heralded a country-wide consultative exercise that will lead to a new constitutional framework under which the 2014 election will take place. Comprised of the Republic of Fiji militarary forces (RFMF) with a combined force of 3,500 troops and 6,000 reserve troops, the army comprises a naval unit with 300 employees.

Land forces consist of the Fiji Regiment of Infantrymen (regular and regional forces organized into six lightweight infantrymen battalions), the Fiji Regiment of Engineers, the Logistic Support Unit and the Troop Training Group. It is subdivided into four main sections, subdivided into 14 states. During Seru Epenisa Cakobau's rule, Fiji was also split into three confederations or regimes which, although not regarded as divisive politically, are still regarded as important in the tribal Fijians' sectarianism: the Fijians were the first to be divided:

The expiry of the lease agreements for growers of raw materials (together with a reduction in the effectiveness of farms and factories) has resulted in a decrease in output, despite EU support for sugars; Fiji is the second biggest recipient of aid for sugars after Mauritius. Fiji's vitally important Vatukoula-based goldmining sector, which was closed down in 2006, was re-activated in 2008.

Fiji's bigger island has large coach lines that are accessible and reliable. 109 ] Busses are the most important mode of transport [120] and intercity transport between the cities on the major isles. Fiji's 2007 federal government conducted a 2007 federal survey, which revealed a constant Fiji resident population of 837,000. Fiji had a 72-year lifespan.

Fiji's annual growth has been 1.1% since the nineteen-thirties. Addressing the country during the April 2009 constitution dispute, Voreqe Bainimarama, senior army commander and provisional prime minister, was at the front line in an effort to redefine "Fijian":

Fiji is an austrian of the Malay Peninsula speaking Malay Polynesia people. They have 350,000 first-linguists, less than half of Fiji's total but another 200,000 second-linguists. With the 1997 constitution, Fijian was introduced as an officially recognized foreign tongue alongside English and Fiji Hindi.

Fiji has evolved many different languages, which can be divided into two main parts - East and West. Building Iceland was home to Seru Epenisa Cakobau, the chieftain who finally became the self-proclaimed king of Fiji. In Fiji, the following public holiday is no longer celebrated: Sport is very much appreciated in Fiji, especially those with body contacts.

Fiji's international sports are Sevensby. In 1987, the first was when the squad made it to the quarter-finals. Fiji only played at the 2007 FIFA World Cup when they defeated Wales 38-34 to reach the quarter-finals, where they were defeated by the future World Cup winner, South Africa.

In 1977 Fiji also beat the lions of Britain and Ireland. The Fiji side participates in the Pacific Tri-Nations and the IRB Pacific Nations Cup. It is ruled by the Fiji Rugsby Association, which is a member of the Pacific Islands Rugsby Alliance and a member of the Pacific Islanders Group.

Fiji is a member of the Pacific Islands Football Alliance (PIRA), formerly with Samoa and Tonga. Samoa in 2009 announces its withdrawal from the Pacific Islands Football Alliance, with Fiji and Tonga the only remaining members of the EU. The IRB currently ranks Fiji 11th in the global rankings (as of December 28, 2015).

It is one of the few nations where it is the major game. For Fiji, one of the issues is to let their gamblers gamble for their home country, as many in Europe have agreements with the French Top 14 and the English Aviva Premiership or with super-rugs clubs, where the financial rewards are much more worthwhile.

A significant number of Fiji qualifying gamblers represent Australia or New Zealand; noteworthy names include Fiji-born and former New Zealand All Blacks, Joe Rokocoko and Sitiveni Sivatu, the recent All Blacks Waisake Naholo and Seta Tamanivalu, the former Australian Wallabies, Lote Tuqiri and the recent Wallabies Tevita Kuridrani, Samu Kerevi and Henry Speight.

The Fiji side has won the most Pacific Tri-Nations championships of the three competing sides. Fiji's Bati Nickname (pronounced m?bat?i) has represented the country in the world of leagues and has participated in competitions since 1992. They have participated in the FIFA World Cup three times, the best results being achieved at the 2008 FIFA World Cup and the 2013 FIFA Cups.

He has also created celebrities such as Akuila Uate, Jarryd Hayne, Kevin Naiqama, Shemi Tadulala, Marika Koroibete, Apisai Koroisau, Sisa Waqa and the Sims Brother Ashton Sims, Tariq Sims and Korbin Sims. It is a traditional fact that the first performance of the former Cibi was on the pitch during a New Zealand New Zealand concert in 1939, when then Capt Ratu Sir George Cakobau of Fiji believed that his side should have something similar to the Haka of the All Blacks.

Club soccer has always been a small Fiji game, particularly loved by the Indian-Fijian communities, but with FIFA financing and solid on-site governance over the past ten years, it has become increasingly common throughout the Fiji people. This is now the second most favourite game in Fiji, after men's basketball (Union 15 and 7 ) and women's team.

Fiji Soccer Federation is a member of the Oceania Soccer Confederation. At the OFC Cup of Nations 2008, the German soccer squad beat New Zealand 2-0[157] on their way to third place together. It was Fiji who won the Pacific Games soccer tournaments in 1991 and 2003. For the first qualifier in Fiji's entirety, the 2016 Summer Olympic Games are now underway.

It is Fiji's most favourite women's game. 159 ][160] The international squad was able to compete on an international scale, finishing sixth in the 1999 Netball World Cup competition. The cricket is a small sports in Fiji. He is an associated member of the International Cricket Council ("ICC").

Fiji's U-19 side won the 2015 ICC East Asia Pacific Cup, qualifying for the 2016 U-19 World Cup. Cf. "Age, gender and marital status by urban and rural enumeration, Fiji 2007". The Fiji Statistical Office. Accessed June 5, 2017. Constitution of the Republic of Fiji.

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Accessed June 21, 2016. Accessed June 21, 2016. Fiji. Originally from the University of Michigan, digitalized on December 5, 2006. Follows the colonization of Fiji, shows how the Fijians succeeded in keeping their languages and cultures alive, and depicts Fijian contemporary civilization. Fiji: Fiji Dept, 334 pages, originally from the University of Michigan, digitalized on July 11, 2006.

More about Fiji, its geography and the city. Fiji's twentieth century story. The" coup d'état and the resurgence of pre-colonial rivalries in Fiji". Fiji. It' a Fiji story. Suva, Fiji: Fiji: Fiji's king and all.

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