La to Cook Islands Flight Time

The time of flight of La to Cook Islands

It was not possible to load a flight plan for RAR to LAX at this time. Delayed flight, but staff friendly and helpful. All the small islands that make up beautiful Hawaii, from Oahu to Maui to Kauai. You decided to fly, and now you want to find out where. It' s hard not to fall into lava with the breathtaking volcanic islands of Hawaii.

That' practically from the USA - Cook Islands Forum

15 April 2009, 10:37 a.m. Looking at the flight it seems that the only way to the Cook Islands is via New Zealand. Can we get there from the USA because it is a very long way via New Zealand? April 15, 2009, 10:46 am Kia Orana, April 15, 2009, 11:01 am There is a once a week flight from/to LAX: April 15, 2009, 12:35 pm We made the above on Sunday, one months ago, out of LAX.

They boarded our Air New Zealand flight at 12 o'clock, within 2 hours they all had a warm lunch (including wine) and most of them fell asleep (long day). Approximately 2 hours before the arriving in Raro everyone got a warm buffet and set off. I arrived in Raro at 6:30. They have a system.

April 15th, 2009, 2:27 p.m. Thanks for the brief. 15 April 2009, 4:01 p.m.: Don't just take a "look". The kiwis and aussies you will encounter are also really something to get to know. About the flight: Sure, kind of on the long side, but Air NZ is a very good carrier, great flight attendant, and the meal is genuine, New Zealand cuisine.

April 15th 2009, 7:26 p.m. I have to say that we had a great time in Raro and the crowd was so much a part of it. I had made early preparations to get together with the ladies of the chaplain's community on their novitiate evening to try out the canoeists ( "I am a seakayaker at home").

These women couldn't have been kinder, had a football with them, were paddling almost all the time, got a hug when it was time to go and were asked to come back. Wherever we went, they were friendly and supportive, we're willing to go back and we've only been home for two weathers.

The Raro is a great value that also comes from the USA....we deposited $1000.00 US before we went and got $1800.00+ NZ. We' ve played our part in helping the Raro business community! October 19, 2009, 21:18 PM This thread has been retired due to apathy.

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