Viti Talk

The Viti Talk

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Phone-call with access numbers

When calling from an non-registered telephone, you may need to select the associated ID number for your bankroll. Include the telephone number you are calling FROM. Allocate your favourite number to a telephone number. Push the button to make the connection quicker! Enable automatic refill and every timeout your credit falls below $5, we will top up your ID with the specified amount.

The Viti Talk

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Fiji's latest news and sports website

Today a dedicated talk-back show with election director Mohammed Saneem will take place at our affiliate Viti FM. Today Saneem will be on Straight Talk on Viti FM from 12.30 to 14.00 and you can also contact us with your question. Viti FM can be caught at 92.2FM in Suva, Nausori, Labasa, Nadi and Lautoka, 92FM in Sigatoka, the Coral Coast, Tavua, Vatukoula, Savusavu and Ba and 92.6FM in Rakiraki.

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Flight to the Wild Forest: One country fit for hero 1 - Phillip Mann

It is said that a man can wander from the Eboracum wall to the Mediterranean without abandoning the shadow of the green forest, populated by wild cats, wild cats, wild angels, wild cats, wild owls and cubs. Rome never became a barbarian in this part of the globe, the Lebanese never abandoned Britain, and now, in the latter part of the 20th cent. Rome is the city of a huge worldwide population.

There they find out that they have to find new ways to teach their worlds - if they want to live. A Land Fit for Heroes' first book is a great, lyric novel of civilizations that come together in a beautifully evocative, alternative universe full of wonder, sorcery and poignant sentiments.

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