Time Difference between nz and Fiji

Difference in time between nz and Fiji

Duration and distance from Fiji to New Zealand. The time difference between Fiji and New Zealand. How long is the time difference between Auckland, New Zealand and Fiji? After the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. Allows FJT to NZDT time zone converter, calculator, table and map.

Summertime in Oceania

Part of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga are areas in Oceania where summer time currently applies. Currently, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory, Jervis Bay Territory and South Australia use summer time every year from the first Sunday in October to the first Sunday in April.

Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia and the outer regions do not monitor summer time. At the beginning of the twentieth c., the Northern Territory was experimenting with summer time. As of 30 April 2007, DST begins at 02:00 hours CETT on the last Sunday of September each year and ends at 03:00 hours CETT (or 02:00 hours CET according to the Time Act 1974) on the first Sunday of April.

The New Zealand time, which includes daylight savings time, is used by several New Zealand -based destinations. As a result, the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station puts its watches one hours further ahead in southsummer, when the solar radiation is always above the horizontal, than in southwinter, when the solar radiation is always below the horizontal.

The arrangements probably make real-time communication with New Zealand more convenient, especially when working with New Zealand office space. New Zealand's dependence on Tokelau, Cook Islands and Niue has no summer time. These last two are on the other side of the International Date Line and differ between 22 and 24 hrs from New Zealand itself.

The Samoa began with summer time in 2010, beginning on the last Sunday in September and ending on the first Sunday in April. Nothern Mariana Islands with civil rule in Oceania, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands are in the tropical regions and do not watch summer time.

NZDT to NZDT Converter

Summertime: NZDT is a DST zone, but in winters some places reset the time by one hours and respect New Zealand Standard Time (NZST). The NZDT ends each year on the first Sunday in April at 3:00 a.m. Eastern time and the watches were reset on Sunday, April 1, 2018 at 3:00 a.m. Eastern time.

The NZDT begins every year on the last Sunday in September at 2:00 am and the watches will be presented on Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 2:00 am respectively. The 1300 - plus/minus signs (+) followed by a four-digit time indicating the opening of the time in Hrs (13) and Mins ((00).

Displays thirteen hours and zero minute time difference eastward of the zero meridian. No. of hours and zero minute time difference eastward of the zero ameridian. Timezones with GMT +13:00 hours offset:

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