Peter Gossage

Aunt Gossage

Gossage - Penguin Books New Zealand Gossage was the story teller and illuminator of more than 20 children's novels. New Zealand's kids have been fascinated by his strong recounting of Maori myth and legend for generation. The result was a re-narration and illustration of Maori legend for kids. As a re-narrator of important Maori mythologies, he was a great Maori leader, among them Hinemoa and Tutanekai and Pania of the Reef.

Peter's tales will never become irrelevant to New Zealand kids, and many of his tales have been turned into Maori television-shorts. Peter was presented with the Storylines Gaelyn Gordon Award in 2013 for a very popular book for How Maui Slovened the Sun. He died on July 30, 2016.

First to know about Peter Gossage.


and the Université de Québec à Montréal." As a Quebec scholars of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, he is mainly concerned with familiy living, sex and historic demographics. Peter's first novel, Families in Transition: Saint- Hyacinthe industry and population in the nineteenth century, was released in 1999 by McGill-Queen's University Press.

The Fecondité des Quebécoises, 1870-1970: d'une Exception a l'autre, mit Danielle Gauvreau und Diane Gervais (Boréal, 2007); und zuletzt An Illustrated History of Quebec: with J.I. Little (Oxford University Press, 2012). He was an associate member of the Centre Interuniversitaire d'études Quoises (www.cieq. ca), co-editor of the Canadian Historical Review (2000-2002) and a guest scholar at the University of Victoria (1999-2000) and the University of California, Berkeley (2007-2008).

Together with John Lutz and Ruth Sandwell, he is also co-director of the award-winning education website Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canada Studies ( Doctoral thesis in Geschichte, Université Laval, Co-Supervision with Dr. Aline Charles, in work since autumn 2013. Master's thesis in the field of historical studies, Université de Sherbrooke, finished in April 2013. A public reaction to teachers' strikes in Quebec, 1949-1983.

Master's thesis in the field of historical studies, Université de Sherbrooke, finished in July 2011. Doctoral thesis in the field of historiography, co-supervision with Dr. Jean-Marie Fecteau, at the Université du Québec à Montréal, 3 May 2010. Co-operation with Thierry Nootens (UQTR), memoire de mâîtrise en histôro, Université de Sherbrooke, concluded January 2010. Gossage, Peter and J.I. Little.

A Quebec story illustrated: The traditional and the modern. This is Don Mills, ON: University Press Canada, 2012. Gauvreau, Danielle, Diane Gervais and Peter Gossage. Gossage, Peter. Montréal & Kingston: McGill Queen's University Press, 1999. Gossage, Peter. American Review of Canadian Studies 44, 1 (Frühjahr 2014) : 49-67.

Gossage, Peter. Gossage, Peter. "In Une démographie au feminine: Risques et opportunités sans le parcours des vie/A Female Demography: Risks and Chances in the Life Course, Hrsg Oris, Michel, Guy Brunet, Virginie De Luca Barrusse und Danielle Gauvreau (Bern: Peter Lang, 2009): 321-355. Adams, Annmarie and Peter Gossage.

"Privately matters: Ill children at home in the 1890s. "In Designing Modern Childhoods: History, space and the material culture of children, ed. The Ning de Conick-Smith und Marta Gutman (New Brunswick, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press, 2008) : 61-81. Gossage, Peter. Stepkids in Quebec, 1866-1920. Family and Social Discipline in Canada, 1700-1960, ed.

Montreal und Kingston : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004) : 141-70. Gossage, Peter. and the myth of the evil stepmother in Quebec. Janovicek und Joy Parr (Don Mills : Oxford University Press, 2003) : 147-66. Gauvreau, Danielle and Peter Gossage. Québec and Ontario around the turn of the century.

" Magazine for Family Histories 26, 2 (April 2001): 162-88. Gossage, Peter and Danielle Gauvreau. Québec fertility at the turn of the century. "The story of the family: Gossage, Peter. Re-marriage and family conflicts in Quebec in the nineteenth century. "In family affairs: Contributions to Canadian Family Histories after the Confederation, ed.

Endar-André Montigny and Lori Chambers (Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 1998): 355-76. Gauvreau, Danielle and Peter Gossage.

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