Chatham Islands Climate

The Chatham Islands Climate

Weather data and averages on the Chatham Islands. The climate of the Chatham Islands is classified as warm and temperate. The Chatham Islands are rainy all year round. Köppen-Geiger's climate class is Cfb. world - Oceania - New Zealand - Chatham Islands;


Chatham Islands Climate: Temperature, Climograph, Climate chart for Chatham Islands

The climate of the Chatham Islands is considered hot and moderate. The Chatham Islands are rainy all year round. There' s still plenty of rain even in the wettest months. Köppen-Geiger's climate class is Cfb. Its climate is gentle and generally hot and moderate. During the year Owenga has a considerable amount of precipitation.

That also applies to the dryest months. Köppen and Geiger classify this site as Cfb. Over one year the mean precipitation is 884 mm. The climate of Witangi is considered hot and moderate. It rains a lot in the town of Vaitangi, even in the dryest of months. Köppen-Geiger's system classifies the climate here as Cfb.

Averages 886 mm per year.

Mean temperature and rainfall

It gives good information on the climate pattern and anticipated climate parameters (temperature, rainfall, sun and wind). Imagine that the simulation results have a geographic range of about 30 km and cannot reflect all kinds of meteorological events such as storms, blowing or tornado. The climate can be explored for any place such as the Amazon rain forest, West African savannahs, the Sahara, the Siberian tundra or the Himalayas.

30-year historic hours for Chatham Island can be acquired with history+. Get CSVs of temperatures, winds, clouds and rainfall for every place on earth. You can evaluate the last 2 week of past meteorological information for Chatham Island here for free. The" mean peak of the day" (solid line in red) indicates the peak of a mean surface climate for each and every week for Chatham Island.

Mean everyday minimum" (solid line blue) also indicates the mean minimal temp. Warm weather and cool weather (dashed reds and blues) show the mean of the warmest weather during the last 30 years. To plan your holiday you can anticipate the medium weather and prepare for warm and cooler weather.

A rainfall map is useful for planning the weather conditions such as the Indian climate of the monsoons or the rainy seasons in Africa. Notice: Simulation rainfall in the tropics and across difficult terrains tends to be lower than on-site measurement. It shows the amount of sun, partially cloud, rain and frost.

Sunshine with less than 20% clouds, partial cloudiness with 20-80% clouds and more than 80% rain. Reykjavik in Iceland is mostly covered with clouds, while Sossusvlei in the Namib deserts is one of the sunnyest places on the world. Please note: In the tropics such as Malaysia or Indonesia, the number of rainfall rains can be estimated by a fraction up to 2.

Dubai, one of the world' s hotest towns, has almost no temperatures below 40°C in July. One also sees the winter in Moscow with a few sunny nights, which do not even get -10°C as high. Chatham Island's rainfall chart shows how many rainfall levels are achieved on each day of the months.

The quantities can be estimated in tropic and monsun climate. Chatham Island's chart shows the average monthly day when the winds reach a certain velocity. Chatham Island's compass card shows how many hrs per year the breeze is blowing from the indicated area. We began calculating meteorological modeling in 2014 using historic information from 1985 onward, generating a 30-year continual world story with hrs. time.

Climate graphs are the first climate datasets to be published on the Internet. Wherever you are in the world, our meteorological records cover every location at any given moment, regardless of whether the meteorological station is available. It is based on our NEMS worldwide meteorological models with a 30 km wind speed and cannot reflect detailed meteorological conditions such as hot islands, cool currents, storms or Tornado.

We provide high-resolution simulation with hours of information for places and incidents requiring very high accuracy (e.g. power production, insurances, etc.).

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