Hau Cordage

hoe ropes

This young bark was used as cordage. The pupils process and manufacture ropes from Hau fibres. The sculpture is made of milo, monkey pod, plant ivory palm kernels and ropes. The Penrhyn, Hau, Hibiscus tiliaceus, (Sta). Cordage bark (Mta).


As a result, the raffia fibres were shed. The Hau Cordage had many tasks, including rigging jibs on mayoes. "The headline was "She used to rub the fibres on her legs with the palms of her hands and always with a movement outwards", citing someone called Keliikipi Kanakaole. In 1930 she had explained to an interviewist how her grandma had turned the fibres into strings.

Though heated by the thought that female hands rub nice feminine females that retreat into prehistoric times, it was the words "always with an away movement" that provided further proof in my study of un-Googleable truth. If you put loosely fibres in the surface of your hands and then turn them together by pulling the bunch outwards on your upper leg, you get a turn to the right with your right to the clock.

Wherever in the whole wide globe a cable has been made and whatever type of fibre is used, the whole procedure almost always begins by turning the fibres "right-handed" and " with the star ", as the old seaman says, as the star seems to move across the skies.

Because I know because me and the wire have a story. Came to manage, appreciate and dread the cable as a deck aid on an off-shore crayon fishing 60 pot trawl nets in 100 threads of slack. I often thought that the chew, this 3-foot bow made of ropes, would have been the end of me.

I hadn' really seen what it was until it almost got me dead. Anywhere along the line, against the beginning, between thumbs and index fingers, palms and thighs, and because Darwin's Lord was telling us of all beings that we should find a way to draw into the morning day, someone curled up wires that were shelled, curled and skewed from the stem of a tree until the fibres became a suture.

I understood his words to be against the accounting language of my speeches and not against the topic. However, it was necessary to stimulate the vine to climb, the snake and sunbow to allow the primitive to accelerate the corpse of plants by first turning the fibres around each other in a numerical direction to form a suture.

The addition of fibres during spin prolonged the length of the filament. The filaments were then turned counterclockwise to produce a filament. For the completion of the cable, three filaments were turned in a right turning manner counterclockwise to the filaments below. Dehydrated fibres were revived on nice legs, but the "Mistrey", as the old rope-maker guild used to call the revival of corpse plant life, was in the brawny hug of the counter-rotating, anticlockwise and anticlockwise ropes.

Legend has it that the invention of the cable took place on the hips of proto-humans. In the early heads, I am arguing that the wire became the snake that led Eve, her creator, to take the deadly malbite from the Trees of Recognition - an indiscreetness that not only led us to conceal our genitalia, but, as you will remember, to moribund.

By the way, queues always turn around to the clock. Took years to research my story of the cable, but no publishers wanted it. About the influence of the Russia Company on cannabis; the stealing of Yucatan seaweed; the discoveries of Manila; the discoveries and battles that the cord triggered; the hooks, and how everything was done with the fibrillar accomplices of our DNA, the rotated cords of the old twin helices showing us the way to lengthen like a spider beyond what we were borne with, a string that has evolved in length and complexities through the years.

At the same moment I explained to them how the healds of the twin helical are rotated counterclockwise, with the light, like the course of the times, the relevant wireline. Fibres roll along a woman's thighs with the rays of the summer heat, as the yellow-flowered skin had in the foreground. Her thighs are the ocean on which ripples are coiled.

It is interesting how we call abseiling when they break well, twist over a point or riff to perfection and their clear oceanic sinusoidal bends stretch into wonderful helixes. Shafts are a tightrope. And I think we should also record the cables, the shafts, their different length and thickness, the rocks and the sand they weave.

Today my boyfriend under the bankan has the empty gaze of someone who sees what I have come to believe, the destiny of all of us will be when we come to the end of our joint cable, when we so to say "eat the leek" and hand the earth over to the plant. And if they've given themselves enough ropes.

He' no longer speaks, but the wheels in his mind continue to spin around the reality that it began when sub-atomic energies were woven into a filamentous being, spinning like ripples on the legs of the adorable skin-spinner into all of them.

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