Easter Island Belongs to which South American Country

The Easter Island belongs to the South American country.

Isla da Pascua Province, Chile is located in the Pacific Ocean. Also see the sections on South America on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Easter Island is another equally famous island in the Pacific. Latin America, Easter Island & Atacama Desert. The Easter Island, Salas y Gómez Islands, South America and the islands in between.

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of the Beyond Giant Stone Heads: Rare view of Easter Island

THE YORK - Once upon a toothbrush, it was one of the most remote places in the whole wide globe - Rafa Nui or Easter Island. Over 2,400 leagues from Tahiti or Chile, the South American country to which it belongs, the triangular island in the South Pacific became home hundreds of years ago to humans who inhabited it with huge rock sculptures depicting their deities and old chiefs.

The Metropolitan Musuem of Kind, the first North America based historical review of this kind, now exhibits one of these stony faces and almost 50 other objects that show the range of Easter Island's fine arts. The "rt of Easter Island" will run through August. Originating from institutions and personal collection in the USA and Canada, the exhibit contains woodcarvings, inscriptions and scarf figurines that mirror the peoples of the old religions and social traditions of Easter Island.

So together with the rock face that opened the show and was taken from a sanctuary, there are the birdmen. This carving with the minds of fowl on wooden figures was recognized as pictures of Makemake, the island's hero. The other woodcarvings are a reflection of the social state of the owner. There are the tables with the signs of the island's languages, Rongorongo.

Several of the items, such as the labeled panels, are among the last preserved that reflect the demise of the island's inhabitants and their eventful past. With a landmass of about 65 nautical mile, the first settlement of humans coming from the isles of the Pacific Ocean was somewhere between 600 and 800.

They were to be discovered by a discoverer from Europe about 1,000 years later, when the large sculptures of stones, the mai, were made from the island's lava rocks, and the island's wood was felled to make wooden rolls or sleighs to carry them. It became more precarious for the island to maintain its populations when the tree cover came down, which began to dwindle from an estimate of 7,000 in number.

On Easter Sunday 1722, when the discoverer Jacob Roggeveen from the Netherlands came to the island, there were about 2,000 to 3,000 of them. Over the next 150 years or so, due to illness, migration or abduction for work, the demographic continues to decline until there are only 111 in the island in 1870, Kjellgren said.

"Much information about our civilization was destroyed with the collapse of the population," he said. On the island, which today belongs to Chile, there has been a revival of the world. While Rongorongo is still being talked, for example, nobody can understand it, so that labelled signs such as those in the show cannot be deciphered.

From the remaining arts, such as woodcarving, the focus has shifted from woodcarving of the old deities for business use, Kjellgren said. Instead, we want to present those who perhaps only knew about the huge rock faces, what the humans on Easter Island have made.

"Kjellgren said, "The aim is to incorporate the sculptures of stones, but to get beyond them to other works of work.

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