United Guam

Unified Guam

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Unified detail shorten Guam services

According to the company, which will also operate between Guam and other Japan based airports, United Airlines has agreed to terminate its Guam services from Shanghai, China, and Sendai, Japan, with some smaller, less seated aircraft. Last October, the company announces its intention to reduce air traffic between Guam and Japan from the beginning of this year, as the need for air transport is low.

More information was provided this weekend about when and how the connection to the islands will be changed and it was also said that the line to Shanghai is no longer feasible. Since 1981, Delta Air Lines has been operating services between Guam and Asia, making its last trip to Guam at the beginning of this months. The airline withdrew completely from the Guam air transport network, also due to low sales, but still operates Japan services to the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands and the Republic of Palau.

"United recently decided to adapt capacities between Guam and Japan and Guam and China in reaction to the present weakness in tourism demand," United Airlines said this weekend in answer to The Newspapers. Even though scheduled services between Guam and Sendai will end, the company has announced that it will continue to fly selected services on the Sendai service until May.

Tension between the United States and North Korea, which included North Korea's threat to send rockets into Guam, was held responsible for a decline in Japanese tourism that had been decreasing even before the onslaught. The Guam Visitors Bureau reported that from January to November 2017 the number of people arriving in Japan decreased by 15.9 per cent year-on-year.

Significant growth in the number of visitors from South Korea compensated for the loss in Japan, resulting in net profits for visitors from Guam. In spite of the cutbacks in services, United promised to keep its aircraft in the area in good working order to improve services as demands rise. No one will be fired because of the changes.

Here is a list of other changes United plans to make in the next few months: From the beginning of May, United will be using 737-800 planes on all three of its three departures a day between Guam and Tokyo/Narita. Currently, two of these operations are carried out with Boeing 777-200s. Boeing will maintain its Boeing 777 service on the Guam - Honolulu line.

A 777-200 has approximately 269 passengers, according to the United website and a 737-800 has 154 passengers. Effective March 27, United will cut its frequencies to twice a day between Guam and Osaka and Guam and Nagoya. It found that it is planning to expand seated capacities on high booking dates such as the United Airlines Guam Marathon and Japan's Golden Week.

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