Hana Maui

Maui Hana

The Hana High and Elementary School is located on the campus. The residents and students of this remote East Maui city are looked after by us. With breathtaking waterfalls, colourful black and red sandy beaches and bamboo forests, Hana is really a special place. The authors share the pleasure of exploring Hana on the remote east coast of Maui - in luxury or on a budget. In order to get to the city of Hana, the former domain of the Maui Alii, you have to drive slower.

Maui Hawaii | Hana City

Fifty-two mile curvy drive along the Hana Highway, better known as the famous'Road To Hana', and you've made it to Hana Town! The Hana is a 4,500 hectare area that used to belong to the Unna brothers, who cultivated around 1800 canes. Nowadays the Hana region is held by a group of national and continental shareholders.

Maui is a picturesque little city, which provides Maui-goers with a place to unwind away from everyday life, from which they have almost all escaped. I' m sure Hana is the place to get away from it all. Hana has three different places to dine, shops and even a conversation with the locals.

We' re happy to make jokes with them about the vehicles that have been parking on the Hana Motorway and the fact that they've been there for about twoty years. Oh, they're part of the landscape of the freeway now, just too much money to haul them away, they say with a din.

In Hana City, a real grin is like never before. When you have some free access, visit the Hana Cultural Center on Ke'anini Street to see their collections of Hwaiian artefacts and arts. Hamoa Beach is a nice place on the way from Hana City.

It is about one kilometer from the road; watch out for the signs as you exit Hana Town southwards to the Seven Pools. Use of this website constitutes your express agreement to the provisions, policies and liability exclusions found on our Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability page without modification of any kind.

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