Chatham Island Akeake

Akeake Island Chatham

Prevailing wind in the Chatham Islands is western. Types; Observations; Projects; People;

About Chatham Islands. Dendyi Cockayne, Trans. & Proc. ake-ake, English. oléaria de Travers, French. Restoration plan for Mangere Island, Chatham Islands Group.


The Ake Ake is a small group of shrub tree with similar characteristics, growing patterns and circumstances. Not all of these are from the same plant group, but the'Ake Ake' group is useful for harvesting because they are all hard and can withstand similar rough environments.

Among the saplings known as'Ake Ake Ake': Purple Ake Ake' Dodonea Viskcosa -'Green Ake Ake' Olearia Paniculata-'Golden Ake Ake' Olearea Traversii -'Chatham Island Ake Ake' They all make breathtaking NZ indigenous features or shrubs, whether you pruned them or let them grow'wild'.

Ake Ake' s all have an interesting and singular color, as for example the Ake Ake Ake which ranges from shining, brilliantly, shining reds up to deeply, darks Maroon-Purpur, the Chatham Island Ake Ake with its silver ish and the singular limes and light shades of the other. The harder the condition, the more the brilliant colors in these blossom.

What is really interesting about these bushy shrubs, which seem to gather them together as a group, is the interesting rustic and raw appearance of the brushwood. Its rind looks old and the way these shrubs are growing gives them a very knotty and weather-beaten look. It does this at home in very harsh coastal and wind conditions and looks like a thick and old oak that has survived many hurricanes.

They can also be cultivated in the interior of the country or in humid areas with a temperate climate. It is not advisable for places in the interior where there is very heavy frost. Ake Ake Ake is abandoned and will become a medium-sized flower. Hedges form a very robust hedgerow and impress with their singular colors.

The hedgerows have proven themselves over the years and have a very old-fashioned appearance, which is why they can often be seen around historical structures.

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