How to get from Port Vila to Tanna

What is the best way to get to Tanna from Port Vila?

In order to visit Tanna Coffee and get the most out of your holiday in Port Vila, create your personal itinerary using our Port Vila itinerary planner. Make an authentic Tanna experience! Volcanic eruption Yasur, Tanna Island, Vanuatu by Tom Pfeiffer on Flickr.

Flight from Port Vila to Tanna

Hello and welcome to your ideal way to find cheap air travel in just a few simple mouse clicks! It' all in one place! If you are looking for a cheap ticket from Port Vila to Tanna, all you need to do is fill out the enquiry sheet and off you go to Tanna.

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Vanuatu 10 day sample program

You will not miss the opportunity to see Tanna, my favourite Vanuatu isle. It' major attractions are Mount Yasur - the most open to the public but Tanna has much more for those who spend more than just a fast one. Hardly asphalted streets and isolated towns, in which 26 different languages are used, let yourself be led curiously to a discovering of the untamed countryside and the old custom way of living of Tanna.

On the outskirts of the city live mystical freight rituals that further enhance the Tanna's culture and add to the town' inherent beauties. In 2015, Tanna was severely affected by Cyclone Pam (Category 5), which struck the entire area. The characters of this terrible daily were still to be seen when I was visiting Tanna, from the ripped top of the airfield terminals to the shortage of fruits on the tree.

What is the best place to spend the night in Tanna? You have two areas to chose as your base: Mount Yasur on the eastern side of the islands and the western cost. Mt Yasur area: very basic cabins, campsites and even treehouses (no Wi-Fi and 24-hour electricity).

You can be very inexpensive, provide a one-of-a-kind indigenous experience and you are near Port Resolution and Mount Yasur (you can even go there on foot at night). Remember that the costs of a pre-arranged transportation from the airfield are almost the same as for a trip to Mount Yasur from the western shore, unless you have a lift from the commute.

You are near great snorkelling sites, the international airports, near local guides and the city of Lenakel - although Mount Yasur is only 90 minutes from there. On a personal level I was at the Tanna Evergreen Resort and totally love it! Little chalets puncture a luxuriant rainforest before Cyclone Pam hit, but when you come to see it, it could be back in full-blown.

There is a great buffet breakfasts in the hotel resorts restaurants and bars (with Tanna Coffee of course), dinner at sundown and a connection to the (OK) Wi-Fi. Select from Thai curries, chickens specialities and even a whole Hummer for only V2.500. Last ly, the residence is also a travel agency that offers you the opportunity not only to explore Mount Yasur, but also to explore all the attractions listed in this section of the itinerary.

Although the price is quite high, don't forgetting that Tanna is a secluded and poorly equipped isolated village, which makes it quite expensive even for the people. The Tanna itineraries presented in this section of the Vanuatu Travel Guide have been directly reserved through the Vanuatu Travel Guide and have paid off.

Please browse this page to see the available accommodation in Tanna that you can reserve on-line. The goal is to stay at least two overnight stays in Tanna. In case the wheather is poor and the excursions to Mount Yasur are cancelled, you will have at least one additional round. The main flight time to Tanna is over 40 minutes from Port Vila.

Around Tanna it is hard and the only business centre is Lenakel (there is not much going on). During my visit, a mechanic issue led to disruptions in services and misunderstandings, leading some to miss their flights to Port Vila and their transfer home. Things can get a little cooler at nights, especially around Mount Yasur.

Thanna has some astonishing snorkelling off the western shore, but it's a pretty stony base to get to the best of it. For a glimpse of the Isle, see the very recommendable movie Tanna, which shows the exact live of Kustom on the Isle. As this is your first full days in Tanna (or if you arrive on the early bird from Port Vila), you will be booked on a trip to Mount Yasur.

We start around 3pm, so use the early hours to unwind, take in the views and discover the underwater world of Tanna. Tanna's best snorkelling is only 20 minutes walking distance from Tanna Evergreen Resort. It doesn't look unusual from the top, but when you step into the fracture (the hole), you step into Wunderland.

If you are particularly courageous, you can dare into small caves and tunnels that run from the caves. That'?s the primary cause you came all the way to Tanna. Considered the'most amenable Volcano in the world', the long and demanding journey to Mount Yasur is definitely a worthwhile one (V12,000-14,000).

It has been in operation for 800 years and its nocturnal light is said to have caused its accidental detection by Captain Cook. At about 3 pm your trip starts with a nice 90-minute ride from the western shore to the highland and down to the eastern shore where the vulcano is located.

They cross isolated towns where the clock stops, towns that have been devastated during the Pam clon. Open your eye to the discs of the prong top that are jammed in the crowns and remain of the clone. The first ascent takes you to a viewpoint with a panorama view of Tanna. The wonderful uninhabitated coast to the west and Mount Yasur to the east.

Some bends and a few mile later you'll think you've just touched down on the Martian face, landing on the only motorway in Tanna - the Mt. Yasur Ashplains. This is the only escape from third course on this journey and it will be your first up-close view of the vulcano.

When you approach, you will come across some small towns that are living in dangerous proximity to the craters. We have a few lodgings in basic cabins and tree houses for those who want to explore the vulcano several time. Jeep parking at the bottom of the vulcano, where you walk to the maker to hear the sound of explosive shells and the scent of rot.

On the way you have the possibility to send a mail from a lonely letterbox to your home. I' ve ascended the Pacaya in Guatemala, but I've never starred into the estuary of an energetic one. Logistic: Touring from the western coastline starts at 15:00 and returns at 20:00.

You can also have another relaxing day, visit Lenakel to visit the small but fine open-air fair, or take a leisurely breakfast trip to the bluestone caves, the "Wilderness Waterfall" or simply go snorkeling in the bluestone lake. Departure at 1 p.m. into the centre of nowhere for the beginning of the so-called "magic tour" - a rebuilt customs settlement, where every nook and cranny is full of surprise - Warning: A spoiler is up!

You will be welcomed by a native tribal member who greets you with the famed (true) history of a Missionary who has arrived on the banks of Tanna just to be devoured by the cannibal. A great way to get started on your trip ah..... here's what's next! With this inviting intro you step into the town through a huge banayan, where the next generations of soldiers take their chance to lose sight of the daylight.

Afterwards, you go from ward to ward, where you get to know the old methods of warfare: bow shooting, disguise and medicinal extraction with a few specific sheets as stretchers. It will culminate with the whole community gathering to party their arrivals with folk singing and dancing.

You will then be given the Baton as you act as the chieftain and be led through the cheerleading town with a vast follow! Conclusion: The trip takes about 2 hrs and you have the opportunity to buy some small gifts from the locals, so you should take additional money with you (V500-1,000).

In fact I had a great magical trip, although it was meant for the tourist. This magical trip was great, but how about we see the actual business? Home to a number of strains that have remained virtually unchanged over the course of the ages, defying the West and adhering to Kustom's custom.

Visiting their town is a must for any inquisitive traveller. Around 8:30 am we return to the centre of nowhere, this year to the highland of Tanna. This trip gives you another chance to experience the beautiful scenery of Tanna and the fascination of the isolated towns.

When you arrive in Louinio village, you will think that you have just reached a shooting site for one of these BBC natural history documents. Indeed, this is not far from the real situation, as an anthropologist from all over the globe comes to Tanna to record the Yakel-tribbe. You will be guided by your leader through the tribal villages, where men and woman are coated only with grass-covered lavalavas and men with pens.

During the good years the town is almost entirely self-sufficient, with: tartar, yam, sugarcan, guinea fowl, avocados, mangos and herb medicine cultivated locally to walk with hens and swine. There are even tobaccos and kavas cultivated in the villages, and the men certainly help to kill off this money in the lack of sat TV and Wi-Fi.

Then the whole town will join and break out into a folk song that will send vibration through the floor. It is strongly advised to visit the Yakel tribe town. It' s as real as it is and after seeing the (very recommendable) movie'Tanna' - I can tell you frankly that's the way it really is!

Furthermore, Cyclone Pam, like all the towns in Tanna, has really destroyed the municipality, so any additional money goes a very long way (bring some money for souvenirs). You can make a side trip into the countryside on the way back from Louinio Village. Thanna has his part of the bana tree, but this one is enormous!

According to legends, this was already a huge plant when Captain Cook came to Tanna in the middle of the eighteenth centuary. Logistic: The Yakel home town and the huge bankan pole will leave at 8:30am and return at 12:00pm so you can do this in the mornings and take an after lunch trip to Port Vila.

When it is Friday, you will have the opportunity to see one of the most peculiar South Pacific scenery. The home of several freight cult venerates, from Prince Philip to a mystical character named John Frum. There are those who say that John Frum was a true character who talked about the date when the Europeans would abandon Tanna and hand over all their property riches to the locals' Ni-Vans, while others say it was the misreading of an US soldier'John of (America)' that the people of the island encountered while working for the US army on other World War II isles.

Some John Frum communities adore "cargo", i.e. old army gear associated with this John Frum, while others just refuse to accept foreign influences and stick to their own confession. Stay near Mount Yasur and you can see the people who venerate the Second World War defence freight. So I went to a John Frum town where the natives met in an open cabin and began to sing for hour.

Conclusion: It is certainly not a must to go to a John Frum town, but it is a scarce Friday evening game. Ask about specific events when celebrity members in old U.S. army clothes walk through their town. It is strongly recommended to return to Port Vila for one last evening, just in case of disturbances on inter-island services with Air Vanuatu (which can happen).

Take advantage of this last outing in Port Vila to unwind, think and shop at the city square!

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