Fanna Italy

Málaga Italy

Wellcome to Fanna google satellite map! Big savings on hotels in Fanna, Italy online. City of Fanna ZIP 33092 (PN) Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. Complete information and useful facts

The 33092 adress of the city hall: province: Provence. From the capital (Pordenone): 31 kilometres. The following email adresses are also available for the city of Fanna: comune.fanna@certgov.fvg. it (pec). Geographical data: populations and statistics: Latest public data: As of January 1, 2016 there were 1,583 residents in Fanna, 777 men and 806 women.

The population was 9 people under one year (5 men and 4 women) and 1 person at least 100 years old (0 men and 1 woman). Non-nationals: As of 1 January 2014, 164 non-nationals lived in Fanna, 86 of them men and 78 women. As of 31 December of the same year, 169 non-nationals, 87 of whom were men and 82 women, i.e. the 10th generation, lived in Fanna.

86 % of the Fanna area. There are 321 persons, or 21.17% of the residents of the city of Fanna. NOTE: The following information relates to Fanna, where the Fanna City Hall is located (and not to the whole Fanna area). To simplify matters, we will use the word Fanna.

There are a thousand, five hundred men in Fanna: seven hundred and thirty-two are men and seven hundred and sixty-eight are women. We have six hundred and forty one single men (three hundred and forty three men and two hundred and ninety-eight women). Fanna is home to a hundred and three aliens, fifty-two are men and fifty-one are women.

In Fanna there are one thousand, four hundred and twenty-nine students, six hundred and ninety-six men and seven hundred and thirty-three women. In Fanna there are 669 persons from 15 years. Of the 377 men over 15, 355 are in employment and 20 were previously in employment, but now they are out of work and looking for a new one.

Fanna has 665 homes for a group of 1496 persons. In Fanna there are 665 family members. There are 100 tenants in leased homes, 510 in own homes and 55 in homes for various purposes. Fanna has 767 residences, but only 750 are used.

The following three table shows the construction of the Fanna facilities by year of construction, number of storeys and room number. Fanna's tax rates are sorted by type and date, along with their old rates. Friuli Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2016-08-01 "IMU" Friuli Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2015-09-01 "IMU" Friuli Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2014-09-09- 18 "IMU" Friuli Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2016-07-28 "TARI" Friuli Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2015-09-02 "TARI" Friuli Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2015-09-09-

01 "TARI" Friuli-Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2014-10-15 "TARI" Friuli-Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2014-09-22 "TARI" Friuli-Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2016-08-01 "TASI" Friuli-Venezia GiuliaPordenoneFanna2015-09-01 "TASI" The following freeways exist on the area of the commune of Fanna: In 2014 there were 1 road accident on the part of these streets of the community of Fanna, of which 0 were deadly deaths.

There is no longer any current information. In the case of the city of Fanna, the following table shows the figures for the expenses and the associated sums, in decreasing order of the amount of the expenses, from the highest to the smallest amount for the last available year. We will revise and integrate the information according to the available upgrades.

datasource: In the following information on the city of Fanna, the amount of money and the associated sums are available, in decreasing order of the amount of money, from the highest to the smallest amount for the last year. We will revise and integrate the information according to the available upgrades.

datasource: Fanna is encircled by the following 4 towns. The latter are ordered due to growing travel to Fanna. On the Fanna area there are also the towns of Case spars (-- km), Madonna di Strada (7.00 km). Number in parenthesis after each town name indicates the proximity between the same town and the commune of Fanna.

Have a look at Fanna's full range of interactivity and get the street cards, satellites and composite cards. Fanna also offers an instant access to: bars, eateries, pubs, pizza parlours, dance, nightclubs, banking, jewelry, health centres, hairdressers, hypermarkets and chemists. Hotels, resorts, B&B in Fanna and surroundings.

Latest free advertisements in Fanna, Pordenone province, Friuli Venezia Giulia area, update at 08:53:42, 21 April 2018. Post your free ad on the Fanna site: no sign up required. Below you will find the complete list of mayors, town councillors and town councillors of the municipality of Fanna who are actually responsible.

Fanna Domani Lista Bottecchia . In Fanna there are 1 municipalities. In the above chart you will find the complete list of the municipality in Fanna. There' s no parapharmacy in Fanna. In accordance with art. 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 675/96, the user may at any moment obtain and ask for their personal details to be modified, deleted or refused free of charge by contacting:Reti e Sistemi, Corso Piersanti Mattarella n. 12 Trapani, Italy.

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