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Aloha : La chance du bonheur (2015)

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Aloha's deeper meaning

However, the term means even more, it is a way of living. In addition to these shared meaning, the term Aloha contains everything you need to know to properly communicate in the realm of nature. This insight describes an attitudes or way of living that is sometimes referred to as "The Aloha Spirit" or "The Way of Aloha".

Aloha's mind was an important teaching for the kids of the past, because it was about the country to which they belonged. You must be sincere, faithful, patient, kind to all lifeforms and docile. "He also said that for the old Hawaiian, Aloha means "God in us."

" In Aloha so far we have found an affirmation of our place in the global community and a set of codes of ethics to help us in our interaction in the global community. All we lack is our "First Directive" while we are here, and that is also found in the roots of Aloha.

With the help of the grammar regulations of the Hawaiian tongue, we will interpret this verbatim as "joy in dividing the vitality in the present " or just "joy in dividing life". However, another level of significance can be found by taking into account the significance of root words in aloha. Collectively, these show a conversion of power (burning, bubbling, acidifying food), a result of an energetic conversion (the form) and an attempt to get or get something.

That leads us to another Aloha rendering. "and joyfully in the present. "This is our first commandment. A different Aloha interpretation gives us the most important way to gain the mana or mental impact to use it in manifestation. So far, Aloha has replied to three of them.

What is the deliberate recreation of your real life. If, now is the present moment, the place between past and present, which is the only place where it is. Where, is the natural one. Hawaiians have no words for "nature" in the meaning of "out in nature", but they have a words for "world" or "earth".

It also means "background" or "foundation". Hawaiians did not see Mother Earth as something separated from themselves because Mother Earth was theirs. Now, where in the natural environment is the basis of our bodily universe. When we look at the roots in Hong Kong, we find the term ho'o-nu a. Some of the meaning of this is: "The words of Honua":

A more profound significance of honey is therefore that the basis of our bodily realities, the natural world, gives constantly and generous to meet our needs and fulfil our desires. In the same way that the waves of the ocean are receding to generate new energies, so too must the natural world "step back" to regenerate itself and give power to the foundations of our world.

Just as Mother gives herself to us, we must give ourselves back to Mother Nature. One of the stories of the history of creating about Dad and Wakea, the Mother of the Earth and Heavenly Father, contains this one. Out of his system there is a sprout that Wakea calls Haloa.

When the next man baby is conceived, it is also called the" Haloah in honour of its deceased brother and sister and becomes the "forefather of mankind". The word heloa means "long, flowing stem". It also means "staying power" and on an erotic plane "eternal cycle". "The lifecycle and the plant lifecycle sustains all living beings, even us.

Haloa is the name of the first person in honour of these flowers and is intended to reminds us to honour and maintain the "eternal cycle". "The present of living goes from one person to the plant and then back to mankind. We are told that the qualitiy of our livelihood is in the end bound to nature.

The natural world embodies the importance of Aloha and the other way around. It' not by chance that Aloha and Haloa are rewriting themselves. In the countryside we can find the miracle of our life here on earth. The Aloha mind is more easily experienced where else than in the outdoors?

It is also the place where we can achieve the knowledge to make decisions responsibly as we come closer to Aloha in our hearts. Through an Aloha mindset we can benefit from the knowledge of the winds and the knowledge of the waters and the knowledge of the ground and the knowledge of the saplings. We can benefit from the knowledge of the truth and revelation of the non-human world.

So we have seen that Aloha is indeed a way of living, an approach and even contains directives to help us in our being. It' definitely a "word to the wise". "Finally, I would like to remind you of another old saying: "A painting says more than a thousand words" and point out that Aloha is a prime example of the fact that in the Hawaiian tongue the opposite of this saying is sometimes the case.

So the next day you welcome a boyfriend with "Aloha", keep his meaning in mind and think of the image you are paint.

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