You Tube


TheyTube is a video hosting and sharing site. Don't spam the same YouTube channel over and over again. This YouTube video about coke life hacks gives me considerable dark energy. Watch daily YouTube analysis, follow progress charts, see future forecasts, related channels, and follow real-time live counts.

"It' almost goddamn near to discovery! Synchro: Travis Transcript: RaceMan "

It would be great if the video clip would work on tv. You Tube plays Monopol? Yeah. wasn't purchasing it cause thanks to Susan shes turned the site into a melting giving $25 million worth of welfare agent messages when no offense hasn't brought messages up as wrong and fair to complain to you-tube lately with its policies and denominations of censorship?

Working together to build a better messaging on YouTube

In order to make it easy to find topical messages, our top newsletter rack will highlight video from message resources in the results (see image below left). When a current incident occurs, we want our customers to know about it. That' s why our breeding bulletin board shows video from press organisations about this show directly on the YouTube homepage (see image below right).

Today our Top and Breaking Newspaper will be published in 17 different markets, among them the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, India, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria and others. Presenting more topical messages, beginning with the U.S. Many folks want, appreciate and rely on them. When a big incident occurs, it is often the case that it happens while it is unfolding.

We have started to test functions that prepare in the YouTube application for TV monitors in 25 U.S. TV stores and facilitate accessing in the lounge messages - our most rapidly evolving one. Up to now, there has been a great commitment from our regional press and we will expand it to a dozen other countries such as Cincinnati, Las Vegas and Kansas City.

We are therefore launching a number of new functions on the market, on which we will be building further: From today, visitors will see information from third party providers, such as Wikipedia and Encyclopædia Britannica, as well as a small number of incumbent historic and scholarly video clips that have often been the object of information misconceptions, such as the lunar landings and the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Together with the Google News and initiatives, we've partnered with the Poynter Institute, Stanford University, the Local Media Association and the National Association for Media literacy Éducation (NAMLE) to help MediaWise, a U.S. effort that will provide 1 million young people with access to digitally literate content.

With MediaWise, six amazing YouTube creators, among them John Green, Ingrid Nilsen and Mark Watson, will work with MediaWise to raise consciousness about e-skills and train young people. And we continue to work with the journalist communities to create a more viable media eco-system for newsgroups. While we know there's a great deal to do, we strive to offer a better user experiences to those who come to YouTube every single working hour to hear more about what's going on around the globe from various wells.

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