Time in French Polynesia

French Polynesia Time

Present time in French Polynesia. UTC offset, GPS, French Polynesia time zone. I' m not exactly the best pilot, so I try to find out which flight is best for us. How long is the time difference between Singapore and French Polynesia? We've never been here before, and I'm trying to decide where to stay.

World-wide time zone conversions

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For the first case in Polynesia (family excursion)! - Franco Polynesia Message Board

For the first case in Polynesia (family excursion)! Hello, I'm planning a journey to my mother's birthdays in April 2019. She' always wanted to see Bora Bora, so I'd like to take her with me. Can remain 10-14 working holidays. Want to put him somewhere above the surface for a few evenings.

Will 3-4 working nights in Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora be good? For the first case in Polynesia (family excursion)! To Tahiti (where you have to go anyway), Moorea and Bora Bora are very good choice, with 3-4 day on Moroea and another 3-4 day on Bora Bora. If you want to do shore based activity, you should devote more of your spare minute to Moorea and more to Bora Bora if you want to do aquatic it.

I would suggest discussing your mom to one or two overnight in a surface stateroom on Bora Bora - just for that "bucket list" expert- but to get a recurring room for you and your daughter and skip the OWB on Moorea. For the first case in Polynesia (family excursion)! Last sommer we went on a little outing with our 11-year-old.

Here is the download of my travelog. The Papeete fair, Pisson crude fishing, snorkelling in the lake, Heiva shows, beach hangs, exploration of the islands (by rental car), the Rotui juices on Moorea, canoeing and just being there. For the first case in Polynesia (family excursion)!

Though Bora Bora is much more beautiful than Moorea, snorkelling in the Hilton on Moorea is a spectacle. When you and your familiy want a great snorkelling opportunity, I suggest two rooms at the Hilton on Moorea, an above-water and a room in the sun. Three of you can stay together at OWB and snorkel.

OWB Bora Bora offers stunning snorkelling and $$s.

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