Maui and the big Fish

The Maui and the big fish

This is Maui and the Big Fish by Barbara Ker Wilson illus. We' re going home'. And Maui tied his grandmother's jaw to the leash and threw it in. Result What happened in the myth?

Maui and the Big Fish'.

Probably killed and thrown into the ocean as a child, Maui is brought to the underground by the great Tama, who is teaching him all about magical things. This is a group activities where the kids work on a piece that tells the history of Maui and the big fish.

Together with a companion, the kids practise verbal overtalking. It will help to anchor the history and get the kids to think about how they could begin to structure a piece. The kids work in groups to make their own recount game.

The Maui and the big fish

A long time ago, when the universe was new and little Maui was reborn, the great Tama brought him to the Underground to study sorcery. As Maui returned to the ground, his brethren made a joke of him and did not want to take him out to fish. Stealing their boats, they laughed at him and thought he was still sleeping - but Maui tricked his brethren, catching the largest fish in the sea and creating something astonishing!

Transcription of Maui and the big fish.

Transcription of Maui and the big fish. And Maui and the big fish. The Maui and the Big Fish is a legend founded on the origin of New Zealand and its breeding from the sea. Maui, his three brethren (maui-mua, mai-waenua and maui-iki-iki) and their mom (Taranga) used to live in Hawaiki.

Three Mauis went to fish in their wake every day and left Maui at home because he was too young. It was Maui's idea to board the shipwreck. Before Maui could go home, Maui was too far behind, so Maui said that his brethren would take off their line when he said a Karakia for good fortune.

After that Maui leaned back to see his brethren catch fish. It was Maui's turn, so he strapped the holy jawbone to a cord. But his brethren declined to give him lures, so he cracked his nostrils and used the bleeding before he threw the line into the ocean.

He was immediately caught and his brethren persisted in cutting the line. She grabbed and drew and slowly brought a huge fish to the top of the water above her swim.

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