Historical Sites in Vanuatu

Vanuatu Historical Sites

The Peter-ihi ceremonial dance floor and Norohure ceremonial dance floor - Vao in Malekula. We' ve got reviews of the best places in Espiritu Santo. The domain of the former chief Roi Mata. Vanuatu mission sites as an indigenous heritage. Vanuatu in brief.

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The Vanuatu Arcipelago consists of approximately 82 inhabited archipelagos throughout the South Pacific. On the edge of the coral sea, these beautiful volcanoes are full of color. Vanuatu's story goes back at least to 1300 BC, when the natives of the country made their living. The Europeans did not see the island for the first time until 1606, but it was not really targeted until 1825.

Settingtlers came and cultivated the indigenous sandal wood of the islands and took the indigenous people from the islands to make them waitress. They say that the present populations have declined sharply compared to what they were before the Europeans arrived on the Mall. However, today the isle is a tourist refuge, although it is mainly a fishermen's town.

Soak up the unbelievable beauties of Vanuatu and go kayak, hike or horseback-ride. There are three major cities in Vanuatu. Farmerfield Airport is located in Vanuatu's main city Port Vila on Efate, Pekoa Airport in Luganville on Espiritu Santo and Whitegrass Airport on Tanna Island, the gate to the south of Vanuatu.

Notice - Travelling to any holiday destinations can be affected by safety, immigration and departure regulations, medical condition, community and cultural legislation, disaster and weather condition. Whatever your final destinations, you should consult your regional tourist information committee or your division when you plan your journey and just before your departure.

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