Cook Islands Weather December

Weather in December

Do you think it's a good idea to leave in December? The Cook Islands, Cook Islands, which? the weather (closed topic). Avarua is the Cook Islands with the warmest sea temperature in December. Weather & Climate: everything about temperatures, precipitation, sunshine, snow, heat and more Cook Island weather information.

Time and weather of sunrise / sunset.

Trip Advisor

From a historical point of view, December is a damper months as it is summers. Fewer cyclions and less rain. The Aitutaki is great for honeymoons. He sees less rain than Rarotonga and warm weather. Aitutaki also has one of the most attractive lakes in the canyon. The Air Tahiti service from Papeete is once a weeks flight throughout the year and twice a weeks in the peak time.

Weather in December on the cooking islands

We' re considering a trip to these islands, but have listened to various tales about the weather in December. So, if someone was there, we would like to know what the weather is like for you, and if it is like that!

We' ve been to the Cook Islands for the last two wards of December 1998. The first 10 nights it was really warm, they hadn't had rains for 3-month. The last 4 workdays we had some precipitation, because we stood at the verge of a thunderstorm.

December Weather - Cook Islands Forum

How is the weather generally in December? Do you think it'll be raining a long time? Warm mornings and evenings? Orana Kia, December comes into the rainy/cyclone period, although the last two December had some rains, but not exaggerated. Await December to be warm and wet. We were in Raro two years ago in December, we had wonderful weather with only a few heavy rains.

But it was extremly warm and moist. In mid-February last year we had two nice and then four terrible, rain and wind filled sunday. It' really difficult to say what you will get, but if you go December - March, your odds of getting damp, moist and breezy weather will rise.

Thank you, so I realise there's no way to forecast the weather these days. It'?s a good thing. All we can do is go Dec-Jan, so I think it's a shit shooting up to the canyon! The thread has been discontinued due to apathy. Hopefully you will join the discussion by publishing an open subject or start a new one.

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