American Samoa Population

Samoa American population

According to UN estimates, world population prospects: American-Samoa Population increase rates This is the mean percentage of the population that results from an excess (or deficit) of birth rates over the death rates and the balances of immigrants arriving and departing. It can be either high or low. It is a determinant of a country's exposure to the evolving needs of its population for infrastructures (e.g. school, hospital, home, road), natural resource (e.

g. nutrition, irrigation, electricity) and work.

Neighbouring nations may find the fast population increase a threat.

Occupation ....

The US passed a bill in 2007 to gradually raise the US minimal pay. Samoa's reserve salary rose by 50 three¢ and the CNMI's fourfold, before the legislature deferred the rises required for no raise in the Amer. will be Samoa 2010 or 2011 and none in CNMI 2011.

The dawn ing of the clothing sector in the CNMI.

Extensive cancer control in American Samoa

Samoa is an uncorporated area of the United States with a population of approximately 55,000 inhabitants about 2,500 nautical leagues due to its location in Hawaii. The second most frequent cause of mortality is oncology. Several of the most frequent types of tumours (lung, mammary, uterine and colorectal cancer) can be prevented by behavioural changes and/or screenings. In view of the increasing costs of healthcare and labour shortage, cooperation across the entire continent of oncology treatment was needed.

The American Samoa community coalition (ASCCC) was founded in 2004 and consists of twinning with governments, conservative and faith-based leadership and members of the fellowship that could help us break down some of the hurdles. Faced with funding problems in an area where more than 60% of the population has an incomes below the Confederation's breadline, the ASCCC began raising money to fund scholarships for people living with cancers in order to enhance their livelihood.

ASCCC has awarded about 50 scholarships of 500 dollars each. ASCCC was given funding (Pacific CEED) to help the Tasi le Ola (One Life) development program, which helps improve women's fear of getting pregnant with the disease through a story. Some of the ASCCC's and its partners' work.

The ASCCC is hoping to help the population to change behaviour at the inter-personal, communal and political level and is hoping to help fight it.

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