Samoa Statistics

Kuwait Statistics

Trade statistics from Samoa including exports and imports by partners and products, tariffs and relevant development indicators. View Facebook statistics from the most popular sites in Samoa such as Anathema, Samoa Observer or Samoa Tourism. The statistics only include officially covered games. Samoa in American numbers: demography, economy, energy, climate and more data and comparisons with other countries.

Stats " The Central Bank of Samoa

Any new and reviewed statistics are provided by the Economic Department of the Central Reserve of Samoa. There are three different statistic charts available: Every Wednesday afternoon, the statistics are posted on the Bank's website. As a rule, the next time a spreadsheet is refreshed and approved, it will be public.

Larger audits and backdating are carried out every quarter, with a specific reference added to the chart. In the event that changes need to be made in a timely manner, a notice will be published on the website under "Table revisions". Further details and comments on important topics or trends for each chart are available at the tabular levels.

Therefore, changes in percentages computed with the rounding numbers in the table may not exactly match those shown. The statistics spreadsheets posted on our website can be used without limitation, but we ask for recognition.

The Samoa: Selected Topics and Stats

Summary: This Selected Issues document on Samoa reported that bank transfer is the primary currency for the Samoan economies. Besides bank transfer, travellers' loans also have an important economic part. Formal transfer is also important and should continue to be an important resource for supporting the external accounts in the midterm.

Transfers are relatively more solid in the referring country's currencies than transfers in valas. Transfer slips make up a similar proportion of earnings in the various households' incomes, with the exception of the wealthiest.

Statistics on production - crops, cultivated crops

Statistics are created for the following 173 products: Cereals Primary and fibre plants Cereal statistics are collected for 173 product groups which cover the following categories: Primary Cultures, Fiber Plants Primary, Cereals, Coarse Grains, Citrus Fruits, Fruits, Jute & Jute-like fibers, Olive Cake Equivalent, Primary Oleaginous Plants, Legumes, Roots and Tubers, Tree Nuts and Vegetables and Melons.

The information is given in the form of harvest area, output, yields and amount of seeds. Its aim is to provide comprehensive coverage of the entire range of agricultural products for all cultures. The area and output figures for grains refer to cultures that are only collected for dried grains. Grains that have been picked as grasses, or that are planted for use in foods, animal feedingstuffs or silages or used for pasture are therefore ruled out.

The surface datas refer to the reaped surface. However, in these contries the area planted or farmed does not differ significantly from the area actually reaped in ordinary years, either because virtually all the area planted is reaped or because the area survey is carried out around time.

whole veggies (including melons): The figures refer to plants mainly planted for humans. Cultures such as cabbage, gourds and carboxylates, which are expressly produced as fodder, are therefore outlawed. Statistical information on veggies is not available in many different nationalities and the range of recorded information varies from national to national.

Generally, the estimations seem to relate to agricultural and horticultural cultures mainly intended for sales, i.e. without cultures that are mainly used for domestic purposes in vegetable or small domestic garden. Fruits, whole (without melons): The figures relate to the overall output of all types of fresh fruits, whether used for human or animal use, or whether converted into various products: dried fruits, juices, jams, alcohols, etc.

In general, output figures refer to plantations or orchards mainly cultivated for commercial purposes. As a rule, there is no collection of information on the output of dispersed tree species, which are mainly used for own use. In general, however, the statistics of the country's statistics do not take into account the growing of natural resources, in particular grapes, which are of some importance in some states.

Therefore, the dates for the different types of berry and berry are rather inaccurate. Banana and plantains: The information on the banana refers, as far as possible, to all eatable fruit-bearing varieties of the Musa family with the exception of Musa Paradisia, generally known as mallard. Unfortunately, several states do not distinguish between cannabis and flour banana in their statistics and only provide overall assessments.

If this is the case and there is evidence or suspicion that the notified figures relate mainly to the banana sector, the figures shall be used. Banana and plantain banana output figures for each country are also hard to match, as a number of a number of companies are reporting in the form of grapes, which usually means that the stem is contained in the grape structure.

The aggregate numbers of "total fruit" contain date, banana flour and whole grape, while excluding olive. Nut products (including chestnuts) are those in shell or shell. The statistics are very poor and usually relate only to the cultures for sale. However, this is not the case. Besides the walnuts shown as separate items, the product specifications also cover all other tree walnuts that are mainly used as desserts or desserts, such as pecans, peili walnuts, sappucaia walnuts and macadamia walnuts.

Non-alcoholic drinks flavourings are prohibited, as are chewing and stimulating and buttering hazelnuts, which are mainly used for the production of oils or butters, incl. areca/beteluts, colanuts, illipes, carite walnuts, castor walnuts, dung walnuts, palm-oiled walnuts, etc.

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