

You are welcome to the Embassy of Peru in the United Kingdom. Take normal precautions in Peru. and have the experience of a lifetime! It is home to amazing ruins, picturesque landscapes and vibrant culture. Exodus offers a wide range of adventure holidays in Peru, from guided tours through the Amazon rainforest to trekking on the classic Inca Trail.

The BBC News

  • 1879-83 - Peru and Bolivia are conquered by Chile during the Pacific Wars, in which Peru lost its territories to Chile. Born in 1963 - Peru returned to power, but in 1968 the army took over again. Born in 1980-2000 - Shining or Sendero Luminoso, guerillas trying to bring down the state.

Guidebook Peru 2018

Situated in the west of South America, between Chile and Ecuador. Peru's varied countryside comprises luxuriant riverside and dry desert, snow-capped hills and colourful fog and rainforest. Peru has spawned an amazing variety of civilisations, from the famous Inca and Nazca civilisations (responsible for Machu Picchu and the Nazca lines) to the less known Moche, Chavín, Caral-Supe, Paracas, Wari and Chimuultures.

As the Spaniards arrived in the early sixteenth-century the culture of Peru was forever transformed. And all these civilizations have created intriguing work. Peru's landscapes and immigration culture have created an ecological pallet for Peru' cooks. A tasting of our delicious local ceviches along the coastline or a visit to the Inca highland remains will make your journey here one of the most beautiful.

Peru's climatic conditions depend on the countryside, the Humboldt Current and the Northwestern Current. Peru's dry coastline stretches about 2,400 km from Ecuador to Chile. The Atacama desert, one of the world' s dryest places, lies along the south coastline.

Peru's coastline sees very little precipitation, although it drizzles from there.

Running through the centre of the Andes, the Andes form the second highest range in the world. Peru's highest peak is Huascarán, 6,768 metres (22,205 feet) high. Droughts last from June to August, the wet seasons from December to March.

The Andes are separated by fruitful dales, where about half of Peruvian nourishment is made. Peru's total populace, which comprises around 30 million people, is quite varied. Nearly half of the Indian community is Indian, about 37 per cent are mestizos (all Indian and white) and 15 per cent are knows. Japans, blacks, Chinese and other ethnical groups make up about 3 per cent of the people.

Municipalities and seaside municipalities have seen more commercial advantages than the Amazon and Andean countryside and the Andes. It has a solid, democratic administration and a powerful Iranian industry. Normally, the most vulnerable part of the country's administration is the judicial system, which is accused of wide-spread bribery.

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