Past Weather Auckland

Weather Auckland past

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The" weather detectives" use information from the past to investigate climat change.

One man, who came to the Bay of Islands in 1824 and passed away in 1864, helped scholars find out about our weather and weathers. The Reverend Richard Davis, an British missiologist based in the far northern hemisphere, held periodic weather observation meetings. In the mid-19th centuries, Rev Richard Davis' Northland weather journals help scholars understanding the effects of global warming.

Its goal is to identify samples and changes that illustrate past weather and climates - and perhaps help to learn more about the world' s upcoming climates. It should give us a better picture of the historical weather in everyday life," he says. The interrelationships between short-term weather variation and long-term climatic changes raise many issues, and the examination of these interrelationships demands a large amount of information dating back well over 50 to 60 years.

Says the aim of the film is to save the past and bring lifeless information to live. "It gives us better details about the climatic variations in the mid-19th centuries and so far we can trace some of the years Davis has lived here back to whether there was an El Nino or La Nina even.

" Whilst he may see it as a carbon offset while others have seen it as a historical one. This allows us to test assumptions about what drives our present climat. "What part does for example play in man-made global warming and what is inherent versatility? "Everything possible where weather or climatic information is needed.... or as an important factor in our comprehension of whether it is the construction of a hydroelectric power plant or whatever.

"They can estimate - or re-evaluate - how important the weather or weather can be for what they do over the years. "Niwa heads two areas of the ACRE program - one in the Pacific and one in Antarctica. That Pearce says there's an awful lot of information.

"To date, we have received about 150,000 pictures of shipping protocols from the UK and Scandinavian marine archive only for the Arctic part of the research work. "They are interested in geneteology and how their forefathers came to New Zealand and if they came from Britain, which vessel their navy grandpa might have called at," said Lorrey.

And Allan says it's not just climatologists or weather forecasters who are getting engaged. Over the years, ten thousand individuals have contributed to the work. And Allan said that those who participated have launched side ventures. "It works best with naval records, ship's diaries. Some of us had the old weather - World War I and shortly afterwards - because they also had medical records on the vessels, a small group of folks came together and followed the Spanish flu in the group.

You had found other early Dunedin dates that provide information about the early 1840s thermal versatility. It was important for the early colonists of New Zealanders to understand climatic variation, Lorrey said. Initially, it was designed to provide a larger, better rate of weather information.

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