Norfolk Island Tourism

Isle of Norfolk Tourism

Close cooperation with the Director General and the Tourist Office to promote the visit to Norfolk Island. The Norfolk Island is promoted as an ideal holiday destination. Share the best of Norfolk Island's food experiences today.

Northfolk Island Tourism | Destination | Stories of Enthral.

Norfolk Island in the Pacific Ocean is a very special place, but it has a great deal to do. That was our main mission when we launched an Australia government-controlled target island promotion drive. We were asked by the Tourist Office to develop a digital guided advertising strategy that captures the picturesque nature of the island and sets it apart from many other tourist attractions.

Enthral got Australia's most renowned storyteller - Ray Martin - and made him an envoy for Norfolk Island. Then we traveled with Ray to Norfolk Island, where we gave him an open briefing - to make a history that embodies the island's uniqueness.

There was no lack of things to shoot on Norfolk, from the fire department at the airfield, which gives the pilot a score of 10 for every landings on the island, to the resident customs officer Matt Zarb, who always has a bird on his shoulders. As we were there, we also shot a four-part story telling the tales of four poeple living on Norfolk Island and in their own words, why they loved where they were.

It took less than three month for the Tourist Association to attribute the contents range to an unparalleled rise in booking, as additional services were operated to meet customer demands. There was also a new audience for the show, with the Executive Committee seeing an increasing number of young people traveling to the island.

Help Norfolk Islanders, researchers and nature conservation groups to preserve the bio-diversity assets of this astonishing archipelago.

Help Norfolk Islanders, researchers and nature conservation groups to preserve the bio-diversity assets of this astonishing archipelago. Come to the Autumn Ukulelele Festival (Yuukalieli Festawel) here on Norfolk Island in April 2019. Visit the Pamela Pretty painters' workshops on the scenic island of Norfolk. Spend a whole weekend learning arts and relax on vacation!

Accompany Peter Faux & Kirsty Thomassen to Pilates Week on Norfolk Island. April 2019 is your chance to celebrate your way to paradise on Norfolk Island. Yes, the unyielding Kate Simpkin, proprietor of Tim2DANCE with Kate in Sydney and champion of the Australia Line Dancetheatre Line Dancer of the Year Award, will lead another Norfolk Island Line dancing festival - which can only mean one thing: have a lot of joy while dancin'!

Governor's Lodge Veterans Tennis Championships is the most prominent tennis tournament in the Norfolk Island tennis calender. The first Dawn Service Commemorations for ANZAC on Norfolk Island will be in Australia. The Norfolk Island RSL, as the rising daylight comes over Emily Bay, holds a touching commemoration ceremonies that connect and unite each other.

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