Kauai Population

People of Kauai

and Puhi-Hanama'ulu on Kauai. About Kauai Real Estate & Community. Here you will find the most important information such as schools and hospitals for all Kauai districts. Obtain up-to-date population statistics for Kauai County, Hawaii from the Census & State Data Center. I' m in Kauai, Hawaii right now.

Data on population development in the district of Kauai, HI

Population rates of the Kauai County modification, HI was 1. 08% in 2016. The diagrams above are derived from U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODS Dataset | API - Notes: Organizational Development Network (ODN) records and interfaces are modified and may differ in formats from the initial sources for ease of use on this website.

In order to create your own applications with this information, read the ODN dataset and interface-link. Including the number of attending guests, but excluding temporary absentees, both counted as a mean annual population count. Maui County encompasses Kalawao County. Kalawao County's actual population, the Kalaupapa settlement on Molokai, was 89 in 2014.

well:: Please visit the U.S. Census Bureau's database site, http://hawaii. gov/dbedt/info/economic/databook, for the full set of Hawaii tourist and population information. They are retrieved from the U.S. Census website. These dates refer to the years 2009-2014. About the SAHIE File Layout Overview Small Area Health Insurance Estimates Program - SAHIE File Names:

SÅHIE text and SÅHIE CSV 2009 - 2014 Sources:: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Chemical Act. The Small Area SHI Schedule (SAHIE) was developed to provide model-based estimations of SHI cover for countries and states.

The programme is based on the work of the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimate (SAIPE) programme. Saphie is the only one-year medical plan estimate for all states in the United States. In 2008-2014, SAHIE STATE and COUNTY published estimations of the population with and without medical cover, along with actions of insecurity, for the complete X-rating of::

Furthermore, estimations for the 0-18 year group are released according to the above mentioned revenue classes. Every year, the estimations are adapted so that before they are rounded, the total of the district estimations on the relevant government sums and for the most important demographic data, the total of the government estimations on the ACS numbers is assured and not covered. The programme Dieses Programm wird teilweise von den Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Nationale Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection ProgramLink to a non-federal Web site (NBCCEDP) finanziert.

By 2014, the AACA will facilitate accessibility to healthcare for the family by enabling Medicaid to provide income below or equivalent to 138 per cent of the poor. Family income above the levels required to be eligible for Medicaid, but less than or equaling 400 per cent of the income threshold may be eligible for income taxes to help them purchase healthcare in the new sickness funds.

SAHIE programme methodologies and estimations have been reviewed both internally by the U.S. Census Bureau and externally. Please see the SAHIE Methodological review page for more detail and a synopsis of the commentaries and our reply. SAHIE programs modell healthcare cover by integrating surveys from various resources, including:

The American Community Survey (ACS) -Demographische Bevölkerungsschätzungen -Aggregated fed. déclarations de revenus fédérales -Dossiers de partizipation pour le Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programme (SNAP), anciennement connu sous le nom de Food Stamp programme -County Business Patterns -Medicaid -Children's Health Insurance Programme (CHIP) participation record -Census 2010 marginal d'erreur (MOE). The record is a sub-set of the Medical Board of California's Physician Survey of all-opathic doctors and surgeons survey (licensee).

This record contains the number of licencees in the country in which they practice and their race/ethnicity. The figures refer to California only. CDJS transmits hateful behavior information to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report (UCR) program. The record is a sub-set of the Medical Board of California's Physician Survey of all-opathic doctors and surgeons survey (licensee).

This record contains the number of licencees by country in which they operate and their sex. The figures refer to California only.

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