Enata Polynesian

Polynesian Enata

Tiki Enata Spear Head and Ocean Polynesian Tattoo. Politynesian Tattoo Symbols & Meanings - Ocean. This Polynesian motif symbolizes both people and gods. An inverted enata symbolizes an enemy. Legend has it that tattooing in Polynesia would be of divine origin.

Politynesian Tattoo Symbols & Meanings - Human Symbols

"Enata " is a common motive in Polynesian tattoos that symbolizes people and deity. It is often used to depict experience, childbirth, rank within the community, etc. You can also use it in combinations to depict relations such as marriages, families, relations and more. You can also display an action, e.g. a combined enatase and creation means to defend this critters.

An inverted enata is also used to symbolize an foe. One of the most common enata and their common variants and combination is shown in this image. Polynesian tattoos often feature a semicircle of enatase, like the two semicircles in the lower right hand side of the image, the heaven that guards all Polynesians and their cubs.

Here are some Polynesian Tattoos of using the enata symbol:


The tortoise can be the most important and beloved part of Polynesian cultur. It is associated with many connotations and the most frequent are longevity (eternity), wellbeing, fruitfulness, unification, family and harmony. The tortoise is an important part of Polynesian civilization. It is the ocean that is considered a nourishment and the Polynesians believe that it is also the earth behind it where they will lie after they die.

The Polynesians believe that they will take them to their final goal, the resting place, because they can move around free between land and water. Tortoises are often created with many complicated designs and icons to convey many different meaning. In the following we will present a complete tortoise theme. Two" enatas" in combination are a shape of the tortoise.

Others are tortoise shell combinations, as shown in the figure below the headline. Here are some examples of tortoises. Polynesian tattoos are very popular in many styles, especially in tortoise hulls. The tortoise shell is a symbol for the tortoise, which is a very important marine animal in all Polynesian triangular crops.

It' s more meaningful than other icons. A number of sophisticated tortoise design could have a whole range of meaning, depending on the element in which they are located. Tortoise shell symbolises durability, wellbeing, fruitfulness and tranquillity. If you want to know more about the tortoise, you can listen to our next film. The other shell icons are mainly shellfish.

Mussels often symbolise shields, protecting and privacy. Musselshells symbolise couple and matrimony. In comparison to other Polynesian icons, mussels are not usual in many tattoos. Following some sample photos and patterns of tortoise and shellfish. Oceans are widely used among Polynesian tattoos.

Usually they are used not only to define certain meaning, but also to fill some empty boxes to form entire designs. Polynesians see the oceans as their ultimate goal, where they go when they die. Above image shows the base design and the variants and some examples of use are shown below.

"Enata " is a common motive in Polynesian tattoos that symbolizes people and deity. You can also display an action, e.g. a combined enatase and creation means to defend this critters. An inverted enata is also used to symbolise an foe. One of the most common enata and their common variants and associations is shown in this image.

Polynesian tattoos often feature a semicircle of enatase, like the two semicircles in the lower right hand side of the image, the heaven that guards all Polynesians and their cubs. Bottom are some Polynesian Tattoos examples of using the enata symbol: In Polynesian tattoos often the tan goes with other icons to indicate certain meaning.

A lot of Polynesian round tattoos contain the meaning of the suntan. The Polynesian civilization, the tan often represents wealth, luminosity, greatness and guidance. Polynesian tattoos that contain the tan may have different meaning from theme to theme, depending on the use of icons that make up the rim of the tan. Beams with different icons indicate corresponding meaning.

Many Polynesian sundries have been designed by skilled Tattoos that are not restricted to the above shape. A few examples of the use of the solar icon are shown below: Haizähne are another of Polynesian Tattoos' favourite icons. Almost 50% of Polynesian tattoos have sharks' toothing.

In Polynesian it is also known as " neho manual ". The Polynesian myth is that the Polynesian people's deity is also represented by the shark. Here are 3 examples of designs and photographs showing the use of sharkgum symbol in Polynesian tattoos. The Polynesian civilization regards the lizard and gecko as a type of appearing deity, with a name named Mahko (which is also the name of face tattoos in Maori civilization).

It is a very important role in the Polynesian faith. Since they symbolize the Polynesian deities and are also considered as an ancestor of the Polynesian tribe, they look very similar to "enata", the human emblem. They' are a kind of being that can speak to the deities and observe the secret realm, that brings luck to the man who has them in his tattoos, and delivers deadly foes.

The Maori part of Polynesian civilization uses lizards to protect against evil and disease. Lizards in other crops, such as the aborigine of Australia, are a survivor of catastrophes. There are many lizards icons in Polynesian Tattoos. Some examples below show you how master ink sculptors are embedding the lizards icon in a Tattoodesign.

Polynesian javelin head tattoos can be found in almost every Polynesian tattoosign. Spearheads are usually used in conjunction with other icons to indicate certain connotations. A line of spearheads and a line of entaches on the head along their sides, for example, can indicate the importance of vanquishing foes.

Here are some examples of the use of spear heads in Polynesian inkjet-prints: the use of spearheads in Polynesian inkjet-prints: the use of spearheads: Let's take a look at the importance of these sculptures on the different Pacific Ocean isles. TattoosThe Cook Island ink marks contain marks that connect the user to his trunk.

In Tahiti, the tattoo was colored based on rank and rank. The whole face and the whole part of the skin was dyed with these tattooes. Tattoo ArtThe artist of the tattoo is a very important part of the cultural scene of this isle. Wearing a tattoo improves the bodily manifestation, marks the continuity of one' s live and shows the rank of a human being in the trunk or in a group.

hawaiian tattoohawaiian tattooes were engraved on the wearer's skin to identify a specific individual or just as a fashion work of work. That tattoo should keep the user safe from mishap. This tattoo was also coloured in honour of the deceased who were near the bearer. New Zealand Maori TattoosThe Maori Tats of New Zealand have unmistakable spiraling patterns that mean power, bravery, social standing and love.

Patients' lives are also marked and ranked in the same way as the wearers. A Samoan Tattoose is like a documentary that tells the history of the individual who wears the Tatto. Those are big and intricate. The Easter Isles of tattooing, carried by the inhabitants of this isle, have spiritual meaning.

They believe that these patches bless the body so that the person who wears them can talk to God. TattoosTonga Tonga TattoosTonga are very similar to Samoan Tats, tell the personal history of the carrier and show his rank in the company and his alter. HistoryTattooing was regarded as sacral arts in Polynesian civilization.

One of the sculptures was coloured in a ritual with drumbeats and tripodanc. Someone who wanted the ink had to perform a variety of ceremonies, both before and after the staining. In the past tattooing was done with raw tools such as birds and animals bone, tortoise shell, bamboo and the like.

Those inkjobs took a long timeto cure, but still they were done by them. Tattooing was 12 years old, as this is regarded as the period of passage from infancy to adult life. Each performance was congratulated with a personalized tatto. So the more benefits, the more of them.

The Polynesian civilization considered it a question of prestigiousness to have several tats on the corpore. Those were not only made on men, but also on the women of the people. Polynynyesian tats are a fine work of work. But before you get a Polynesian Tattoo, please research as the inkings have different meanings in different isles because of their different civilizations.

Tattoos should be one-of-a-kind and should mirror your character and the messages you want to convey. Don't forget to take good charge of your Tattoos once you've finished it. When tattooed well, it always looks nice and clean.

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