Starbucks Greek Mythology

The Starbucks Greek Mythology

The name " Starbucks " comes from Herman Melville's Moby Dick, named after the first officer. Strangely enough, Starbucks calls it a siren. The Starbucks is an allusion to Greek mythology because the girl in the logo is a siren. Starbucks logo has always been surrounded by a mysterious element. Articles on Greek mythology written by Harlequin Boy.

Legend of the Starbucks siren

She has a calm face and her omniscient smile resembles the Mona Lisa - if Da Vinci's Masterwork was ever a clandestine frahling lover. The omnipresent Starbucks Sirene picture has been a permanent feature of the Starbucks Sirene since 1971. Big, big or ventilated, if you are seen with a blue syringe on the mug package, it is common knowledge that you have just gone to Starbucks.

Like the Mona Lisa, the Starbucks Siren is an icon and a contemporary enigma for us all. Immerse yourself in the depth of the mysterious universe of this almost incomprehensible 45-year-old make-fascot - and why it should never be mistaken for a merman.

Coming from Greek mythology to become the face of a trademark. Like the Starbucks company profile says, double-tailed Siren from Greek mythology was the inspiration for the name. The name " Starbucks " comes from Herman Melville's Moby Dick, called after the first officer. So the Starbucks Siren is not mistaken for a maid, remember how many dicks it has.

Siren are known to have twins cocks, while a mermaid has only one. The siren develops over the years. 1971 the folkloristic origins were represented by the Siren logotype. The siren was painted in dark green and blue with a navy neckline, a belly with a navy, and only the slightest indication of a smiling face.

As is well known, seamen were the victims of a Sirensong, but this was stylised over the course of the years so as not to be seen in a negative light by the consumer when the coffeemark began to gain notoriety. In 1992 her belly and fleet disappeared entirely, with the cocks in her hands hardly perceptible when her face was zooming in.

During her last incarnation in 2011 the siren is entirely black and red with waved coat and double tail on both sides. Also the name of the coffeemark has been deleted from the logotype. On the Starbucks Café Blogs in a 1912 Pike blogs posting, the latest siren review means clearing up the image a little with stylish styling and facial work.

Living in the siren in 2016 and beyond. After its last big retro in 2011, the siren is also on its way to present maps in the Starbucks Card series. Made by Dana Deininger, Senior Designers at Starbucks, the illustrations show the siren in a graph.

She clasped a twig of a coffeetree in one of her hands and a coffeecup floated above her other. The siren is caught in Deininger's drawings, and the picture merges into the maps. Brushes of metal blue and green in the ocean encircled her and a coat of shiny golden film was added to emphasize her twig and twins Twig.

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