Other Hawaiian Islands

Hawaiian Islands

It' twice the size of all the other Hawaiian islands put together. You will need to activate the cookie in your web navigator to proceed. You will need to activate the cookie in your web navigator to proceed. Under the new EU Privacy Act, we are obliged to notify you of the following before using our website: We use cookie and other technology to tailor your experiences, conduct analysis and provide personalised advertisements on our websites, applications and newsletter as well as across the web on the basis of your interests.

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The Hawaiian spiders on different islands are disguised in parallel.

There is an extraordinary evolving turn in which a nearly identically range of colour moulds have come to mind in different places. The Hawaiian GEORGE RODERICKThe Hawaiian stave-mider has developed the same three colour-morphs in several parallel islands, according to research conducted by University of California, Berkeley biologist.

Results released today (March 8th) in Current Biology are a unique example that the results of evolutions could be the same several time and shed further light on the impediments to evolving changes. In order to investigate the biochemical past of the stave tarantula, UC Berkeley evolutions economist Rosemary Gillespie and her co-workers gathered specimens of the most famous colour mortals - each disguised for a different environment - on Hawaii's four biggest islands.

"They have this deep that live in rock or rind, a shining and reflecting golden that live under sheets, and this one that is a dull whiteness, entirely knows, that thrives on lichens," Gillespie tells in an explanation. However, when the scientists were sequencing the DNA of the arachnids, they found that each of them showed more similarities with different colour morphs from the same isle than with the same colour morph arachnid.

However, the phyllogenetic structure generated with the information indicates that the same colour pattern must have developed several copies as the stockspider spreads into new habitat.

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