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I' I say'namaste', you say'nihao'..... as the Indian Defense Secretary built a bridge in conversation with Indian warriors.

India's Defense Secretary saw an unprecedented surge of good will from China's military when she came to visit deployed forces on the inter-country borders on Saturday. China was described by commentators as a good will act, while the State Department said on Monday that Beijing was ready to keep the truce along its borders with India.

Roadshow video footage of Nirmala Sitharaman's interactions with China at the Nathu La frontier station was published on the minister's Twitter accounts on Sunday. "She asks the people of China. Do you know what it means?" "One of the China forces answers, it'?s a pleasure to get to know you."

"We' re just saying Nihao," answers the American. "So, I say Namaste," says the Secretary of Defense of India. And in another Twitter clip on the Minister's Twitter bankroll, she wished the good fortune to the Chinaes. "and China are both great countries. Best of good fortune to your country," answers the China Commandant.

Sitharaman is introduced to the Sitharaman and says that his surname Wang means "king". Nathu La is the last one along the boundary between Sikkim on the Hindu side and Tibet on the Chinees. The Economic Times reports that Sitharaman's Saturday mission was the first high-level meeting in the region after a prolonged repression by India and China on the Doklam platform, which ended on 28 August.

It was about 30 km from the place where the Foreign Secretary was in an area occupied by both Beijing and Bhutan, an Alliance of India, and it took 73 working hours for the two sides to agree to pull out their forces. The reason for India's approach was that China's work on the platform represented a safety hazard for the Chicken's Neck - the small tunnel that connects most of India's territory with the north-eastern states.

Settlement to end the conflict took place just a few weeks before the China EM Summits, which were hosted by both President Xi Jinping of China and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. Approximately 1,000 demonstrators from China resurfaced in the area last weekend, but analyst said they were mainly there for infrastructural work.

"It is ready to keep the peacemaking and stabilization of the Indian borders under the historic context and the related arrangements between the two sides," said Hua Chunying in a Monday newscast. Commenting on the decision, Li Jie, a Beijing-based defence specialist, said Sitharaman's trip had shown India's desire to strengthen its relationship with China.

"It is a clear step for India to maintain amicable relationships with all states. While India has frontier conflicts with China, it needs Beijing's assistance and assistance in other areas. lndia cannot allow itself to completely break up its relationship with this power plant in Asia," Li said. However, Rohan Mukherjee, an Asia business specialist at Yale-NUS College in Singapore, said the greeting exchanges were just a matter of course.

It' s only logical that they would go to the frontier regions and see the areas of Doklam and Nathu La, which until recently were a possible flashpoint," said Mukherjee.

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