Map of Tahiti and Bora Bora

Maps of Tahiti and Bora Bora

Picture about highly detailed vector map of Tahiti and Bora-Bora with the most important cities and streets. Discover the island of Bora Bora, French Polynesia and more! Tahiti and Moorea are my new dream destinations! To illustrate Tahiti and Bora-Bora map vector graphics, clipart and inventory vectors. Sailing Tahiti Bora Bora cruise card.

Card of Vaitape - Bora Bora Forum

For your information, if you are staying at the Hilton, the ship is in Robert Wan, which is further southwards than the big "boat dock", it is just over where O.P.E.C. is. In the " La Pahia " mall, across from Chin Lee, there is the "Aloe Cafe". Also....seeing the 2 banking institutions on the card reminds me....if you intend to go to the banking house while you are there (on some real island)....the Polynesian banking house has "normally" better tariffs and charges than the Tahitian one.

Is the St. James Restuarant far from Chin Lee, can you walk on it? Do you have a map of Anya? The thread has been discontinued due to apathy. Hopefully you will join the discussion by publishing an open subject or start a new one.

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Tahiti and Moorea Surface Map Hiking Villas

If you think of the South Pacific or French Polynesia, you immediately think of the name "Tahiti". Although Tahiti is by far the most populous of all the archipelagos, it is not nearly as remote or even remote as many other smaller ones in the area. Moorea, for example, is only a brief drive away by boat, and it is also smaller and more attractive.

Most importantly, every Tahiti trip to or from Polynesia is via the major Tahiti airfield, so it is a transfer point for every visitor, whether or not they live on the Isle. In addition, air travel usually arrives at uneven times, so some people are more or less obliged to spend the first or last nights in Tahiti.

Luckily, there are two surface bungalows in Tahiti itself, and both are near the international airports, and both are cheap. And, as I said, you can take a boat to Moorea if you are already in Tahiti, or a very brief trip if you only change on the same time.

There are 4 great surface bungalows plus a simpler one claiming to have created the idea and still have stunning outlooks. We have 9 surface bungalows on Bora Bora itself, as well as 3 others located in the immediate vicinity of neighbouring isles. These are usually the most sought-after in the South Pacific, although the 4 Moorea properties are usually in the same group.

We' ve recently released a similar map of Bora Bora Estates, and it's actually part of the same bigger map. So, take a look at these resort and move the map north-west and you won't find Bora Bora Estates too far away.

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