Coconut Grater Stool

Kokosnuss grater stool

They were looking for: Rasp of coconut! Coconut Zaramo African wood Zaramo African grater Tanzania trunk grater Handmade household stool Tribal Coconut grater. IS A FINE MICRONESIAN, CAROLINE ISLANDS, COCONUT RASP STOOL. Coconut husker Zaramo Pwani African folding chair Tanzania wood antique. Do not look for a stool with spikes.

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Beautiful objects from the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania of... - Pennsylvania University. Archaeology and Anthropology Museum, Deborah I. Olszewski

The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has commissioned several hundred individuals since the end of the 19th centuries to search for the meaning of humanity and study the endless diversity of mankind's world. In addition to their immediate, personal aesthetics, the chosen works - from Africans to Americans to Asians, from Babylonians and Middle Eastern to Egyptians, Australians and Mediterranean - are also important.

Wood stool Coconut rasp

In many South and South East Asia coconut is an important part of the cuisine. Rubbed coconut is most often used to make coconut cream, which is added to seasoning paste to make "lemak" curry. It is made by steeping the ground coconut in pure running tap and then pressing and sieving it.

Coconut is also roasted to make "sambal seronding" (a kind of spice) or used as a side dish. Brilliant yet basic instruments such as the one shown here were developed to remove "coconut meat" from the tough shell: one half of the coconut is turned against the jagged end of the grater to produce thin chips.

Friction is like a stool that the operator can bridge or place on the seat, which provides good lever action for friction.

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