Vatuvara Resort

City of Vatuvara Resort

Did anyone stay in Vatuvara on Kaibu Island? Be our guest and visit our new website. www.vatuvara. com For a foretaste of something unique.

Oakley founder James Jannard is to stop exploiting the people of Yacata and their marine resources. your own villa with sea views at Scrub Island Resort, Spa & Marina. The Twin Otter plane, not less) to a spot of an island in Fiji's Lau Archipelago to spend a few nights in the luxurious cocoon that is Vatuvara Private Islands Resort.

The Vatuvara Foundation

The Vatuvara Foundation is dedicated to the protection and regeneration of the North Lau seas through a ecosystem of Marine Reserves and offers cutting-edge ways to raise consciousness and strengthen community life. Promising to conserve the northern Lau and the seas by conducting science and education programs for sea creatures, inspire young sea fans and build stronger alliances.

The prioritisation of maritime safety is defined and administered by the municipalities within the framework of a maritime zone system. Safer harbours will include a range of multi-use concepts for sea safety that will enable local authorities to conserve both eco-systems and use theirs. Imagine sound, resistant and preserved seas in which societies act as trustworthy managers of their maritime assets.

Vatuvara Foundation is dedicated: Save Fiji's oceans from the devastation of people. Invigorate the Fiji Sea through an important ecosystem of sea areas and safer harbours for sea animals. Preserving the abundant biological diversity of Fiji's maritime eco-systems through pioneering protection measures that raise community consciousness to ensure subsistence with Fiji's seas.

Educating and taking personal accountability for their health ful environment and care of the oceans. Promoting partnership and cooperation with key players, business associates and local authorities through a participative advisory model. More than 70% of the Earth's oceans cover our oceans and yet less than 4% of our oceans are currently fully marine sheltered. The oceans are climatic governors that support flourishing coastline industries with foods and a livelihood for them.

Composed of pristine Fiji's far eastern islets, the Lau Group is full of a variety of wild animals, includes coconut crabs, crayfish, the humphead parrotfish, the giant perch and the giant clams. The secluded islets, full of luxuriant woods and lined with stunning sandy shores and bluewater.

The Vatuvara Foundation will work with Vatuvara Privateland, a luxurious resort on Kaibu Island and its associated Vatuvara, Kanacea and Adavaci in the Northern Lau Group. Vatuvara private Iceland's lakes and the oceans around them offer various eco-systems as safer shelters for sea creatures.

Lau archipelago is also home to some of the best conserved coral canals in the whole archipelago. The Vatuvara Privatelands is dedicated to the preservation of the natural surroundings with sustained practice for near-natural relaxation. Of the four privately owned islets, two are US and AUS approved to promote environmental wellbeing.

This protection contributes to their overall view, which includes a comprehensive ecosystem use, protection and ecosystem governance framework. Consisting of both igneous and reef-limestone geological formations, the island supports a rich indigenous wildlife of remarkable and endangered preservation importance with several scarce and indigenous bird life and hosts a wide range of marine and coastal avifauna.

Kaibu, together with the bigger neighbouring Yacata and islet, is part of a unique system of barriers with a flat, sand dunes between them. In Fiji there are complex problems where marine activity affects and depends on it. Far-reaching changes are taking place in the seas and the most vulnerable to these changes are the societies within the countries of the isles.

The creation of safer harbours for sea creatures will enable sanctuaries to re-establish habitat and native endemic biodiversity, resulting in more resistant seas to offer coastline communities lasting living conditions and mitigating the impact of climatic and disaster. Vatuvara Foundation has a golden opportunity to take a leadership position in partnership and cooperation with municipalities and stakeholder groups and to address the Northern Lau Group with strategy and protection.

Establishment of sustainability initiatives for the managment of North Lau's maritime resources, which support the preservation of biological diversity, the strengthening of the communities' resistance to climatic changes and the securing of their livelihood. In order to assess the state of our oceans, the Trust will combine conventional wisdom and cutting-edge scientific research with nature protection stakeholders to set priority actions for educated nature protection.

Initiating and supporting programs to improve the sustainability of living standards to meet the needs of the community, especially the needs of young people and men, for better life, better well-being and withstandability. To provide income-generating skills and finance education for peasant societies to stimulate local economies and build a networking area. Promoting the interactions between sea consciousness and sea activity by offering cutting-edge ways in the sea to stimulate our young people.

We help to spark a motion of sea spirits who see, live and save our seas. Our goal is to conserve and revitalize the protection of the seas in North Lau through a ecosystem of jointly operated sea areas. To conserve the island's abundant maritime diversity, we are involved in a number of initiatives, such as our first exploration in these areas, to evaluate the human and animal welfare of the various fishing and fishing populations.

Protective measures we take cover sensitisation, control, protection of endangered breeds, control of wildlife and recovery work. Working in close cooperation with the neighbouring archipelagoes, we expand and administer their understanding of their indigenous heritage. There will be a strong emphasis on raising maritime safety consciousness, but also on promoting nutritional safety and sustain livelihood.

In order to preserve the indigenous and indigenous nature and culture of these archipelagoes, it is important to learn and appreciate the traditions and traditions of each community. Pupils are empowered to make a difference through youth-oriented education and instruction. Our watersafety and windsurfing program will help pupils in remote archipelago municipalities better appreciate their own ways of protecting their ocean backyards.

These young people are experiencing the disastrous changes in the sea up close and playing an proactive part in the care of their world. The Vatuvara Foundation aims to work together to find ways to achieve greater benefits and conserve different eco-systems for coming generation.

We are inspiring the marine sector by enhancing the way people interact with the world and innovating to meet the challenge of marine sustainability. As environmentalists, we promote the importance of investing directly in our countryside, creating precious links with adventure travel, locals and the world.

Last year, a group of Fiji researchers from the Vatuvara Foundation and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) joined forces to launch an exploration mission to explore the Northern Lau Group's far-flung islets. A detailed description of the results of this research will be provided in the Maritime Research Assessment in order to help protect the ecosystem of corals and these exceptional water bodies.

It is a natural paradise, and the Vatuvara Foundation's amazing and amazing results have doubled its commitment to protecting this area. During Fiji's Independence Day, 10 October 2017, the municipality of Yacata Island designated part of its historic fisheries as a Fiji Maritime Reserve or taboo.

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