Travel from Rarotonga to Aitutaki

Journey from Rarotonga to Aitutaki

("RAR-AIT") There are countless ways to save on your flights from Rarotonga to Aitutaki with Expedia. For a cheap flight to Aitutaki, choose from the list of flights to Aitutaki below, or use the links on the page to find more flight information. Be careful not to go to the cooks in January. A paradise in Rarotonga and Aitutaki! Rarotonga Air is the only domestic airline in the Cook Islands.

1st day: Arrival Rarotonga

Upon your arriving at Rarotonga airport, a member of the staff will greet you and take you to your accommodation for check-in. Today you will take a stroller trip and discover the less busy streets while driving through the Rarotonga hill and plantation with an expert native guides and enjoying the rough inland scenery.

You now have a free field trip to see the islands. Have an adventurous trip around the archipelago by renting bicycles? It is a great way to discover the whole archipelago with just one itinerary around the whole area. Just 45 minutes later you reach this scenic isle where you will be welcomed and taken to your host.

Have your pass validated on One Foot lsland before returning to the continent in the afternoons. Today, on the beautiful Isola del Aitutaki you have the opportunity to retreat to the Laguna and practice water sports such as standing paddling or snorkeling. Here you can live the typical lifestyle in one of the few hotel on the isle.

While on Atiu we include a visit to Anatakitaki Cave. You will discover this breathtaking formations and the Copeka before returning to your hotels for a full-nighter.

Aitutaki??????? - The Rarotonga Forum

Aitutaki??????? I' m going to the Cook Islands next February as part of a round the globe tour. If you think that Rarotonga or Aitutaki is a more beautiful place for relaxing on the beach, please guess. So if Aitutaki is better, can you tell us how to get there from the Rarotonga Aiport?

Aitutaki??????? Although I suppose if you are booking to go to Aitutaki, your travel agency would organize the transfer from Rarotonga to Aitutaki. Aitutaki??????? The Aitutaki has a fantastic snorkelling and swimming-pool. Rarotonga is quite dramatically in will find it more like an ethnical adventure with real taste of the isle.

As Aitutaki is an eagle, there is really no spectacular views of the island....mainly the Laguna. If you are looking for untouched snorkelling and water....white sands, deep sea waters, then Aitutaki is for you. Aitutaki... they have parcels that cover the fare over, transmissions, camp cruises, BBQ lunches etc... a genuine value.

Rarotonga Air is always flying to Aitutaki. If you want, you can reserve a full excursion through Iceland Hoppers. Sunshine greetings, 3: Aitutaki??????? Alternatively, you can make your reservation on Air Raro's website. Aitutaki??????? There is more to do on Rarotonga and I generally suggest to spend more than on Aitutaki.

But the preference of humans here can be very different, because many humans prefer Aitutaki opposite Rarotonga. Surely the laguna of Aitutaki is much more impressive - although the insular landscape of Raro is more picturesque than that of Aitutaki. Air Rarotonga is the carrier from Rarotonga to Aitutaki. Aitutaki??????? I look at a related question: to stay eight honeymoons between the two isles in January, or five on Raro and three on Aitutaki.

The 5/3 combo looks like it better represents the bigger Rarotonga but wants to catch as much as possible of each of the islands on the journey. Aitutaki??????? Aitutaki??????? During the longer stage of the Rarotonga part of the journey to preserve the Aitutaki' s beauties for the end, or do we do Aitutaki first so that we can drive directly home from Raro (and not have to bother about the annoying restrictions in terms of weights on the flights between the islands while we are already there)?

Aitutaki??????? We are planning to stay the first 10 nights on Raro, followed by 4 nights on Aitutaki, returning to Aitutaki in the mornings, left your baggage at the airports or in the boot of our rented vehicle, truck min. buying on Raro, a last bath (maybe in Muri) and then drive home.

Aitutaki??????? First Rarotonga and then the best, Aitutaki, at the end! Besides, it's a long don't want to go straight back to Aitutaki? I would just chill out in Rarotonga......and then go to Aitutaki to chill out. And greetings, 10. Aitutaki???????

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