Theta Tau


Coed Professional Engineering Fraternity, Theta Tau is characterized by professionalism, brotherhood and service. The Theta Tau brothers would like to know more about you and why you are interested in Theta Tau. The Theta Tau Chapters offer a programme of activities to meet the social and professional needs of its members. Find out why the Kappa Chi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, the International Nursing Honor Society, is located in the Department of Nursing. The National Honor Society of Nursing is Sigma Theta Tau.

and theta tau - Johns Hopkins University Theta Delta Section

Theta Tau's goal is to build and sustain a high level of vocational interest among its members and to bring them together in a powerful family. It is the oldest, biggest and most important brotherhood for engineers. Emphasizing a high level of commitment to family, the Brotherhood has chaptered only at ABET-accredited colleges and has limited the number of students in one of its chapter throughout the country to 50.

In selecting and developing its members, Theta Tau follows a programme that emphasises the importance of high ethical standards and good practice. Throughout the chapters, the Fraterality encourages occupational activities and interpersonal skills, provides a setting for the involvement of groups in matters of campuses, communities, engineering groups and brotherhoods, and fosters enduring friendship - life-long brotherliness in a technical milieu.

There is an occasion to meet annually with members (students and alumni) from different sections of the country through various international meetings and agreements.

?? Chapters

Situated in the heart of the city, Theta Tau is the oldest, biggest and most important association for engineering professionals. Emphasizing the importance of qualitiy and a close brotherly relationship, the Brotherhood has chapter in only ABET-accredited colleges and has limited the number of students in one of its chapter throughout the country to seventy. Theta Tau's goal is to build and sustain a high level of vocational interest among its members and to bring them together in a powerful family.

Recruiting begins at the beginning of each term through a what is known as a "rush" procedure. To rush a brotherhood is the act of learning more about the brotherhood, its assets and its brethren through various outreaches. A group of prospective new members is chosen after a few week to initiate the pledging proces.

Pledge is a challenging new member to do their best and takes your full effort and your entire outlay. Two of Theta Tau's brethren are striving to advance career development in the working environment. Our aim is to promote powerful communicative, problem-solving and managerial qualities that prove themselves in daily use. Brethren can often be seen at regional employment shows and show their talents to the best employer in the country.

This section deals with volunteering at grassroots, collegial and nationwide levels. Brethren are active in both large and small organisations. Brethren also forged life-long ties, a trip that developed and delivered a web of enduring interpersonal and business interrelations.

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