Real Estate Lanai City Hawaii

Lanai City Hawaii Real Estate

Receive information, directions, products, services, phone numbers and reviews about Okamoto Realty in Lanai City, HI. Receive directions, reports and information for Okamoto Realty LLC in Lanai City, HI. Bottom are Lanai City, Hawaii Real Estate Appraisers, providing appraisal services. The house is located in a district that offers wider streets with gutters that are not found in most other parts of Lanai City. The real price is the old Hawaii feeling.

Ianai City Homes for sale

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255 Lanai, Lanai City HI 96763 - MLS# 378377

There is enormous scope in this exceptional building. There are many ways to enjoy the grandeur and intimacy of this large plot, include, but not confined to, a home of your own, long-term rentals, ++ use your fancy! Bamboo Inn is set in gardens and bamboo, ko ponds and an extensive backyard. There are two floors offering many opportunities for new users.

On the upper floor there are 6 bathrooms with large galley and lounge and outside area. On the ground floor there are 2 separate rooms, 3 bathrooms and spillover-bed. They are all encircled by an entry door and encircled by a canyon. Only 5 minutes from Lanai City's historical stores, groceries and restaurant. TODAY CHANCE IS NOT LAST......A must for all the opportunities this real estate has to provide.

Listed with kind permission of Hawaii Life (L). They should carry out their own research and seek advice from appropriate experts in order to ascertain the correctness of the information provided and to respond to any queries regarding ownership and the structure on it.

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