

Buttered Kona Abalone Garlic, Coconut Luau Leaf, Pipikaula. Jerky Pipikaula recipe from Hawaii anischer Rindfleisch Marinated condiments are mixed and marinated over night. Put the meat in a flat frying pans and cook at 150°C for about 4 h. Your timings depend on the size of your sliced meat. They can actually use any kind of cheap bovine meat.

To make that clear......mix the condiments according to your tastes.

Énomoto Catherine Kekoa - On demand

The LEEWARD readership Marlene Wilcox asked for a pee-pee jar formula and wanted to know where to find the "E Ho'olako Mau" (More on Enrich) cook books. Unfortunately, both books of "E Ho'olako Mau" are out of stock. Part II contains two prescriptions for pi kaula: pi kaula is Hawaiian for "beef string" - once based on two stripes of veal bound together with a cord and then looped over a washing line to be dried.

In" E Ho'olako Mau - All hawaiian Cook Book, Vol. II" writer Tamar Luke Pane'e declares that the meats are either littered with traditional hwaiian seasalt or pickled before they are dried. Softened by the heat and breeze, the stripes of veal are dried to a tougher than judder. The pee-pee is then roasted or grilled with wood coal before being eaten with pois or stewed paddy-raese.

Today, says Pane'e, humans make pee-pee with various slices of meat, such as round steaks, and multi-cultural spices such as honeys, powdered cloves of garden cloves, semolina, sherry, and commercial packed dried kim-cheese flavor. Pane'e shares her expertise in Hawaii' tradition in her book. "E "E Ho'olako Mau - All hawaiian Cook Book, Vol. I" (1990) shows parts of an aha' aina or festival.

Vol. II (1987) contains Paki and Ulo (breadfruit), Lau or tarot leaf-wrapped bunches of meats and fishs, Hwaiian salts and shellfish cakes. The recipe is taken from Vol. II: Butterfly each long rip in 1 long length, about 1/2 inches thick. Mix the rest of the seasoning and marinade the meats for 1 to 2 h., turning several time.

Cut the grease out of the beef and cut the beef into long stripes, about 2 inch in width. Put a small omelette in a square casserole pan and serve a simple coat of flesh; continue with the other casserole. Continue until all the flesh is in the noggin. Let the fillet of beef drip off; pick up the macadam. Put meats on refrigerated shelves, which are placed on foil-coated cakes.

Bake in the stove for 6 to 7 h until the flesh has a jagged consistency. Bake on each side for about 3 min. until the flesh is overheated.

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