New Caledonia Geography

Geography of New Caledonia

This is a problem in plant geography. The New Caledonia is a group of islands in the South Pacific. Archeo-geography of the former residences in Northern New Caledonia (Koumac district, Northern Province). Otros Países - Ver en español. New Caledonia;

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geographical area

There are less distinct seascapes on the eastern seaboard than in the western. Passat breezes mitigate the weather. Caledonia is made up of the 400 km long Grande Terre land, the Ile des Pins in the north, the Loyalty Isles in the north ( (Maré, Lifou, Tiga and Ouvéa), the Belep Archipelago in the northeast and a number of small isles and isles (Huon & Surprise, Christfield, Walpole, Beautémps-Beaupré, Astrolabe and the Bellona Reef).

The Grande Terrre is separated by a series of hills (Châine Centrale) whose highest points are Mount Pancé to the N (1,629m) and Mount Humboldt to the S (1,618m). Grande terre splits this exceptional landscape into the east coastline, moist and open to trades wind, fruitful and expansive with luxuriant tropic flora, and the west coastline, arid and moderate, full of niaoulis shrubs, bovine and fine sands.

Cultur Name

Caledonian " is used by the French and others who have established themselves on the isles. Kanak " is used to describe the locals of this South Pacific island and their people. Kanak civilization has evolved in this South Pacific island over a three-thousand-year span. Today France rules New Caledonia, but has not yet evolved a nationwide civilization.

Kanak's right to freedom is maintained by a civilization that is considered nationally by the people. Geography and location. Kanak tribes have established themselves on all the French official New Caledonia and dependencies. It encompasses the mainland, Grande Terre, Belep Iceland to the N and Pines Iceland to the S..

The Kanak tribe evolved a system of slash-and-burn, which for hundreds of years has been reducing the size of forests, shrinking swamps and favoring the expansion of the herb icefields. Kansaks occupying the Loyalty Islands completely. "Further southwards, the Canadians are less abundant, although 30 per cent of them are living near the capitol Noumea.

Kanak people make up 86,788 or 44 per cent of the total populace, Europeans 34 per cent, Polynesians (Valais and Tahitians) 12 per cent and Asians (mainly Indonesians and Vietnamese) 4 per cent. People are young; 47 per cent of the Kanak people are less than twenty years old, but this figure drops to 31 per cent among Europeans. French, the formal lingua franca, is widely used by the inhabitants; the 28 Kanak speaking countries include Bahasa, Indonesia, Vietnamese, Tahiti, Valais and Chinese.

Except for the populations of France, all residents are at least two-lingual. The mastery of the Frenchspeaking world depends on the individual's educational and cultural state. Speaking Austronesian, the Kanak tongues are part of the oceanic lingo that inhabited the Pacific Isles for ten hundred years.

Contacts with Anglo-Saxon sailors and merchants who arrived in the 19th c. resulted in the creation of a new language, Bichelamar, Pidgin-English, which vanished with the founding of Francophone. The Kanak people demanded for two centuries that their language be recognised and learned. In 1988, the State of France approved the teaching of local language in primary school.

The use of the language was objected to by the Kanak Nazis and is used in the political sphere; native tongues are reserved for personal use. It is sanctioned by the authorities that recognise the name of the country. The Caledonians have been called upon since November 1998 to look for a symbol of "new citizenship" with which all societies can relate.

Their common denominator is the country: an established country for Kanaks, a country of emigration for newcomers. New Caledonia is France for the populations of France. "Gradually, through the colonialist experiences, the indigenous peoples began to form the concept of their own people.

Prior to the French colonisation in 1853, language and territory separations divided the Melanese groups. Socially and racially discriminatory practices by white men mixed all Pacific black men and then only those of New Caledonia under the name" Kanak" (kanaka means" man" in Hawaiian). During the 1970' s, this concept was adopted by some of the country's indigenous groups as a symbolic sign of the colonised people's union.

Shared characteristics of the Kanak nation's identities are the growing of sweet potatoes and taro, a hierarchical structure that distinguishes high-ranking people ( "lords of the land" and "chieftains") from people of lower rank, family relationships, the practices of non-commercial ceremony exchange between a clan and chieftains for weddings and burials, and the faith in the existence of forefathers among the live.

Oceania's poor nations have evolved an ideal of the "Pacific Way" that recognizes a shared civilization that transcends geographical and cultural divides. Canadians and other ethnical groups are secluded societies that support operational links (business, education and administration). On the one hand, the Kanak people with their "customs" and nationalist demands, and on the other, the New Caledonian community that wants to preserve New Caledonia as part of the FR.

Noumea is the only major metropolis, the capitol of the early Francoes. The Noumea area, which includes Paita and Mont Dore, owns 90 per cent of the non-Canak and 34 per cent of the Kanak. The Kanak cultures are rustic, and even in the towns, calls for "custom" are indispensable, although the Kanaks native to Noumea are gradually developing an urbane one.

The canoes have retained a shape of architectural style (a round wooden and hay house beaten against a main mast) that can be found on the Loyalty Islands; the Nazi movements have revitalised the Grande Terre area. Although inspired by Kanak tradition, the architects used contemporary building methods. The room for Kanak is separated into rooms for important men and other homes close to the men and underlings.

Kansaks prevent being alone in empty rooms. Rabbits have a traditional way of eating yam roots, taro, banana and yam, which until recently made up the majority of their aliment. Financing transfer, which represents up to 50 per cent of the total budgets, comes from France, whereas municipal output (agriculture, livestock farming and fisheries) represents 3 per cent of GDP.

The small café business and sub-sistence economy compensate for the poor rural population. Canadians earn on a seven-fold lower than Europeans. Property and property. The Kanak civilian unit for privately owned lands is based on patriilineal clans and lineages. Inclusion in these integrative bodies gives property to the family.

In case a host has no descendants, the ownership goes back to the line and the family and will be reallocated to one of its members. It only recognises joint ownership of Kanak lands. In order to acquire personal ownership, Kanaks must acquire properties or properties outside the reserve. Municipal utilities (health, schools, judiciary and administration) are administered by the people.

The miners are mainly from the Valais and the Canaries. New Caledonia, through the Ni industries, was a working classes that encompassed peoples of all nationalities. In Noumea, Europe's peasants established themselves on colonised land and created a high quality of life whitesoisie. Indonesians (farm workers) and Kanaks at the lower end of the range fought for resources with livelihood.

With the advent of the occupationally skilled professionals, the intermediate and higher strata have grown. Kanak tribesmen have trouble getting a job. It is made up of an agency that represents the State, an eleven-minister eleven-member electoral board and an eleven-member electoral group. The members of the Caledonian parliament are supposed to take a collegiate administrative role in the interests of all Caledonians, while at the same time politics are confined to the area.

Aside from these formalisms, Kanaks take part in other types of politics. The chieftains are appointed by celebrities and the state in this "usual" system, organised around the chieftains recognised by the 19th cent. Kanak-independent people in election processes (municipalities, counties, local authorities, etc.) take into consideration the importance and impact of chieftains who are active in an "ordinary senate" in an advising function.

New Caledonia is governed by the legal system in France, but in matters of marriage and land ownership, the Kanaks point to the use of tradition in accordance with the "specific law" recognised in the Constitution. In the case of Melanesian crimes, the tribunals are assisted by "usual experts", Kanak men and woman, who declare the behaviour of their compatriots.

Many cases are dealt with outside France by "ordinary courts" or by revenge. of New Caledonia. The Kanak Nazis have no armies. The Caledonic workmen are contributing to a welfare insurance system. During the Kanak civilization, each member of a pair performs unique and complimentary duties for work in the field.

The Kanak company tolerated separation, but the woman returned home without the kids who stay in the custody of the man. Property is transferred from the sire to the heir, whereby subsidiaries are expelled from the heir. In order to maintain qualified employment, the Kanak family encourages the child to obtain a higher level of schooling. KANAK enrolled more and more undergraduates.

Kanak people show a sense of mutual esteem. Khanaks take a discrete and restrained stance in the open air and avoid exaggerated speech or gestures that are regarded as impolite. All Kanak are official Catholics or Protestants, but they believe in an intrinsic ancestry among various shapes or totem ( "animals, plant, mineral and atmospherical phenomena").

The Kanak believe that the country of the deceased is under water. Pharmacies and clinics are used by Kanak people who also use conventional treatments. The French Independence Anniversary on 14 July is mainly commemorated by the Commonwealth of Europe. From 1984, the Melanese Nazis tried to make September 24, the French take-over date, a celebration known as Kanak Mourningay.

Canak and Caledonic artist are supported by the Kanak Culture Development Agency, which administers the Tjibaou Cultural Center. It is also a member of a number of non-governmental organisations receiving subsidies from the territory of New Caledonia and the State. The result is writing about Kanak. The Kanak style is influenced by the caneka, influenced by folk rythm, reggae and skirt.

Bensa, A. Chroniques Kanak. "Biographical order and physical coercion in the Canak Societies of the Past (New Caledonia)", Oceania 68 (2): 84-106, 1997. In Pays Kanak: patimoine artististique kanak, 1990. Connell, J. New Caledonia or Kanaky? In 1987, the French colony's politics. Leblik, I. Les Kanak Face au Développement:

South Pacific, France, 1998. Rivierre Ozanne, F. "Structural change in the languages of Northern New Caledonia. Tjibaou, J.M. La Présence Kanak, 1996.

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