Maui Sightseeing

Sightseeing in the Maui

Maui Island, located in the Hawaiian chain of islands, has some of the most diverse landscapes, sights and attractions in the world. The sightseeing boat tours are a rather new....

. With Maui Legend Tour you can book your most beautiful Maui sightseeing tour in the world. Check and save on the best Maui Sightseeing Tours. On Maui you can enjoy your holiday with some of the best sights that the island has to offer.

Sightseeing in the Maui

Put together a route to see the best places of this holiday? Ali'i Kula Lavendel Farm in the Kula area is one of our most popular destinations in Maui. Soothe your nervous system and reduce your worries with an afternoons at Ali'i Kula Lavendel Maui. Ali'i Kula cultivates all year round and produces a wide range of fragrant herbs.

Maui is one of the best places to see, but there is no driving in the garden. But if you are alert and committed, you will be awarded with some of the most notable views and beautiful attractions.

Particularly flight enthusiasts will be fascinated by Lindbergh's humble tomb, which is clad with slippery pebble stones and is situated next to the tranquil Palapala Ho'omau church. Ah, the pleasures of insularity. To get a vintage Hawaiian flavour, board the six miles long journey between Lahaina and Ka'anapali. More than 30 steamships used to transport people working in canes and plantations to various locations all over the isle.

Now you can trace your journey back and take a look at the farmed areas and the stunning islandfields. He points out important tourist attraction and the children pass out on these open-air train rides across the isle. Currently, the property is used for exhibitions of fine arts, museums and as a visitors' centre.

There is a Maui traditon that observes the sunrise from this 10,023 foot peak, the highest point on the isle. Though it gets quite cool at this altitude, you are accommodated in a glazed building and can enjoy a panorama of Maui and its neighbouring isles. And if you don't get discouraged by this outlook, take along your hot clothing and prepare yourself for an impressive sights.

This centre, which houses two musees, deals with the lives of the cetacean and then with the lives of those who have made a hunter's careers. In the first of these, the whales' lifecycle and development as well as the skeleton of large animals are shown. In the second one, the history of Hawaiian wildlife fishing is explored, as well as the alternating gruelling and dull times of whalehunting.

Journals, films, model ships and artefacts show the lifes of these seafarers and scatter part of the romanticism of marine-living. There is also a good choice of scrimshaws and other souvenirs. Over 125 years later, the Bank is 50 ft tall, has added 12 tribes to its principal carrier and covers more than 2/3 of a hectare.

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