Easter Island Monoliths

The Easter Island Monolithes

Stock photo of the carved stone monolith Rapa Nui National Park Easter Island Chile Polynesian Civilization. From monoliths & mysteries: Fascination of Easter Island Well-known to the natives as'Rapa Nui' - who still largely supervise the island's tourist activities - the island is indeed a great pit stop when traveling through the South Pacific and has much appeal to justify a four or five nights sojourn. In fact, it is the ideal place for those who are looking for new and thrilling adventures - in the shape of hiking, cycling, yachting, boating and wilderness swims in the Pacific.

Kari Kari Kari Ballett - this is unlike any other you have seen so far and climaxes in 90 min. of Polish Easter Island beats. A hike to the summit of this 400m high former vulcano is a must for Munro and other mountaineers who will not be disillusioned by the view of the South Pacific.

It is only from here that one can really understand how small and insulated this volcano island is. As a small treasure island, the sand with its few palms is very beautiful, and when you are there, you are really thrilled how dreary Easter Island is. There is another glimpse into the island's past and there are even more great vistas from its summit.

This may not be a perfect place to visit, but if you're near the South Pacific, it's definitely a good idea.

Compound Easter Island prolongs the life of old mouse

but they have survived for centuries." Recent research indicates that a connection first found in the bottom of South Pacific Island may also help us to pass the test of the age. The University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio and two cooperating centres announced on July 8 that the Easter Island Link - named "Rapamycin" after the island's name, Rapa Nui, from Polynesia - prolonged the anticipated life expectancy of middle-aged mouse by 28% to 38%.

Rapidamycin was administered to human mouse at the tender ages of 60. They are part of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Interventions Testing Program, which is looking for links that could help individuals stay alive and free of their illness. Texas was conducted by researchers from two UT Health Science Center institutes: the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT) and the Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Sciences.

"I have been involved in ageing research for 35 years and there have been many so-called anti-aging procedures in these years that have never been successful," said Dr. Arlan G. Richardson, Executive Vice President of the Barshop Institute. "I' d never thought we would find an anti-aging human contraceptive in my life, but RAPAMYCINE promises to do just that.

" In the 70s, it was first known for its antifungal characteristics and was later used to inhibit the repulsion of organs in grafters. New ageing studies showed that the addition of rapid-mycin to the nutrition of older mouse populations prolonged their development. "This is the first compelling proof that the ageing progression can be retarded and the life span prolonged by medication that starts at an older age," said Dr. Randy Strong, who heads the NIA-funded Ageing Intervention Testing Center in San Antonio.

Mr. Beyreuther is Associate Director of the UT Health Science Center and Associate Research Care Center and is also a member of the South Texas Veterans Health Care System. These results have "interesting consequences for our knowledge of the ageing process," said Dr. Z. Dave Sharp, head of the Institute of Biotechnology and chair of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the Health Science Center.

"Furthermore," said Dr. Sharp, "the results have a direct impact on preventative care and people' s healthcare because rapid-mycin is already in use in clinics. Scientists on ageing currently recognise only two life-prolonging procedures in mammals: caloric restrictions and genetics. It seems that rapid-mycin partly switches off the same way as limiting dietary absorption or decreasing the number of growing cats.

This is done by a granular proteome named sTOR ( "mammalian mate targets of rapamycin"), which regulates many metabolic pathways and reactions to stresses. One year after the start of the NIA Interventions Testing Program in 2004, Dr. Sharp proposed to investigate the effect of rapidamycin on anti-aging. It was adopted and test centres in San Antonio and elsewhere began to incorporate rapid-mycin into the diet of cats.

Masculine and feminine mouse were crossed from four different mouse lines to better imitate the biodiversity and morbidity of the people. Rapidamycin was not sufficiently resistant in the diet or gastrointestinal system to be registered in the animal's hematology. In the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, he worked to increase the bio-availability of the connection through a procedure named micro-encapsulation.

This newly formulated medicine was stabilized in the mice' diets and bridged the gastric cavity to allow it to be released into the intestines where it could reach the blood stream more safely. Originally, the objective was to feed the 4-month-old mouse, but due to the delays in the development of the new formula, the mouse was not launched until the 20-month-old mouse - the same as the 60-year-old mouse in human beings.

All the same, the RAPAMYCINE interventions were tried. "Dr. Richardson said, "I didn't think it would work because the mouse was too old when the procedure began. Rapidamycin's increase in the life of relatively old mouse was completely surprising. "Dr. Strong added: "This trial has clearly indicated a possible therapeutical goal for the discovery of medicines to prevent age-related illnesses and prolong life expectancy.

With rapid-mycin or medicines like rapid-mycin working as planned, the total healthcare costs for the US and the rest of the planet will potentially be enormously reduced. "The other test centres are headed by Dr. Richard Miller from the University of Michigan and Dr. David Harrison from Jackson Laboratories.

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