Malia Weather October

Weather Malia October

Rely on clear skies and warm weather. Cheaper Vacation in Malia - Last minutes & 2018/2019 offers One of Crete's undoubted high points is Malia with its beautiful sandy beach, stunning archaeology and vibrant nights. It is a place for all kinds of events, whether you want to celebrate or relax, soak up the beach, relax, enjoy nature or immerse yourself in the city. Perhaps Malia is best known for its vibrant night life.

Malia has been described as the "capital of Crete's nightlife" with a lively and lively celebratory ambience and it is no wonder why! It has a typical Mediterranean weather with long, warm summer and warm winter. From June to September are the most favourite holiday seasons on Crete because of the sunshine; at top temperature of up to 40 Celsius, which is great for tanning!

Giant sandy beaches are situated eastwards of the capital, with a large area in the centre with excellent opportunities for sun bathing and bathing, as well as immediate access to a number of pubs. Farther eastwards, towards Tropical Beach, it is calmer and a little calmer, while the Sun Beach Hotel's child-friendly amenities are ideal for the family.

Whilst the residence is full of stores and pubs, you can enjoy a more intimate interior in the old village's narrow, twisty street. It was first erected in 1900 BC and the ruins of a large city are being dug up in the vicinity. Besides the Malia beach and the vibrant night life, there is a lot of cultural life to do.

The Malia and Stalis Festival with folk songs, dances and Cretan specialties will take place on the International Tourism Day in September. Around the plaza in the old city of Malia there are several taverns serving local folk songs and dishes throughout the year. Easter Week is the center of Crete's ecclesiastical schedule, and like the remainder of the Malia Islands, this particular season of the year is celebrated.

Booking a Malia Vacation now! It is a great place to stay in Crete with so much to offer: vibrant night life, wonderful sandy shores and amazing archaeology. Our staff of vacation professionals and their expertise are at your service. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and regular stays at all our major hotel locations so you can really relax and unwind.

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