Learn French in Tahiti

Study French in Tahiti

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has experience or knowledge of learning French in French Polynesia. Study French in Tahiti (the paradise of French Polynesia) with Francophone's horizons! French Polynesian language exchange partners. I am a native English speaker and I want to learn French. Anyway, I'd love to take a lesson in Tahiti.

Intensive French

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has some French proficiency or expertise in French Polynesia. I guess native tongues and English are probably common, but Google lets me know that there are a few French colleges and I was wondering how widely French is generally used (i.e. enough to use it outside the French college, so can I practice and really get some sleuth?

I am looking for a relaxing, tropic, beachfront and nice place to stay for a few month and at the same time improve my French (for business reasons). French immersion is important, but I'm willing to get a little less intensive if I can be in a tropic place (otherwise I would just go to France).

I' ve been thinking about Guadeloupe, but after I spent three month in Fiji a ten year ago, I always wanted to come back to the area and do a little more exploring to get FP on the grid. And I was wondering if FP is mainly full of honeymoons and cruisers, or if it would be really simple to make contacts and get to know someone there in the 1920s and 1930s?

The top 10 French surf, wildlife and bonsai school in France.

Would you like to learn French while surfing, diving or spending quality holidays in the hills? It is the task of UPSTED to connect extrem outside amusement with top-class foreign languages classes. Situated at the foot of Europe's highest peak, Chamonix Mont Blanc, France boasts first-class glacial slopes, glaciers, ice climbers, snowshoe hikes and downhill skiers (especially those with reds and blacks and a series of first-class backcouloirs).

It is a partner of the Université Stendhal in Grenoble and provides a broad spectrum of grades, credentials and TCF. Lessons cost between 440 Euro (two weeks) and 2,250 Euro, according to your desired Spanish ability. Visit the INSTED Biarritz schools if you decide on an aquatic experience.

Instd Biarritz provides information according to the guidelines of the Council of Europe. From April to October, open, the price of Inted Biarritz is 275 Euro per weekly with a minimal obligation of two weekly visits. The Cours d'École in Papara, Tahiti is a privately run academy on an elite lake. Embark on a scenic walk in the Tahitian hills.

It assesses its pupils according to the standards set by the Council of Europe. Pupils can then select between one-to-one and group lessons, which range from 400 Euro per weeks for group lessons (four hours/day) up to 900 Euro per weeks for 4 lessons of one-to-one lessons per days.

Homestay (half and full board), an accommodation or a room can be arranged by the personnel of the camp. New Caledonia home, a small French area in the South Pacific, has the biggest exotic ocean Laguna in the South Pacific and the second biggest barriere coral and is a divers' haven.

Situated in the city of Nouméa, the main town of the archipelago, the language centre is only a two minutes walking distance from the sandy beach. DELF courses are offered in the centre together with learning opportunities tailored to your language proficiency or group. It also directs how the schools evaluate and teach their pupils.

The TEF certificate and semi-intensive (20 hours/week) and intense (30 hours/week) single and group classes (limited to seven) are available from 290 Euro per week. 290 Euro. A further possibility - French classes in combination with windsurfing camps or walking and canoeing. The Point 3 Language Center in Montreal, Canada is teaching French in the mornings and has its pupils on the ski and snowboard trails in the afternoons.

Schools offer a French combination of walking and studying in this area. Schools do not promote a recognised teaching system. There are one-to-one, group and crash courses in French. There is a host family, flats and a dorm. The Alliance Française: It is part of a global association of independent organisations (in 130 countries!) originating in France with the common aim of promoting the French people.

You will receive comprehensive, high-quality French lessons and various degrees and certifications. Ask each of the schools for further information. Alliance Française in Cape Town, South Africa, offers an extremely scenic setting between Table Mountain and the Atlantic Ocean. The South African Alliance Française is the biggest and oldest French course in Africa.

Alliance Française provides courses in Fish Hoek, a seaside city 35 leagues east of Cape Town, on False Bay. The Alliance Française in Auckland, New Zealand, is located just to the south of the Bay of Islands, where you can enjoy world-class canoeing. Visit the Christchurch Alliance Française, where Sealand's extremest (.5 class) canoeing on the Rangitata River is just a moment away.

The Alliance Française (in Spanish or French) in La Paz, Bolivia is an ideal urban environment for those of you who find tranquility on the mountains - it lies at an elevation of 11,181 metres and offers a great way to mix French classes with world-famous climbs.

Townsville Alliance Française is located on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

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