Google Maps Star Wars

Maps Star Wars

It is also on Google Maps. https://t. co/LgerDntmKQ

However, his strategy was broken by Google Maps. They Can See The Millennium Falcon From 'Star Wars' On Google Maps. He' s about to release a brand new Star Wars trilogy in which Disney and Lucas Films publish a statement: A TIE figure or X-Wing for the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

This is where Star Wars' Millennium Falcon is on Google Maps.

From the Death Star to the Death Star II and even to the Star Killer Base, the Millennium Hawk has been all over the universe. Eagle and hawk-eye enthusiasts found the legendary Star Wars vessel on Google Maps, directly in front of the Longcross Studios and encircled by colourful containers: The Star Wars tradition says that the Millennium Falcon was in Lando Calrissian's possession until he loses it to Han Golo through games of chance - sequences we will probably see next year in Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Chan and his loyal Chewbacca smuggler mate steered the vessel for a while until Lando was back at the helm at the end of The Empire strikes Back and for the culminating fight (next to Nien Nunb, who is the best character) in Return of the Jedi. Sometime after that the falcon came into the possession of Unkar Plutt, Jakku's landlord until Rey and Finn took him for their flight from the First Order.

During The Force Awakens, the couple met Han and Chewie again, with Han taking command of the vessel until he raised the dust and left Rey and Chewie in command of the Falcon *phew*. Everyone suspects what will transpire with the Millennium Falcon in The Last Jedi.

Since we know its complex story, we wouldn't be suprised if the boat were trading on the CEX or something. The Last Jedi will be released on December 15th.

Maps unveiled that Disney tried to conceal the Millennium Falcon with shipdump.

They may be able to hid from the crowd on the floor, but Google Maps sees everything. With a huge deductible like Star Wars, but with endless leakages and insidious papparazzi, it can be a tough one.

Attempting to protect the Millennium Falcon from the M3, Disney seems to have used a pile of ship bins on the other side of the Longcross Studios highways. You can see the handicraft clearly on Google Maps. It is not quite clear when the sat picture was taken or when Disney hid the spacecraft.

Seems it was first mentioned in June and it has been discussed again this weekend. This reappearance is probably due to the desperate desire of Star Wars enthusiasts to fill the gap as they wait for the latest movie in the franchise, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, to be released on December 15.

It' not the first interesting thing Google Maps has recorded, but it's probably the most nerdy.

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